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Doxymodules_persistency.h File Reference

The page that defines the extended/persistency examples modules

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class  G01DetectorConstruction
 Detector construction allowing to use the geometry read from the GDML file. More...
class  G01PrimaryGeneratorAction
 Minimal primary generator action to demonstrate the use of GDML geometries. More...
class  G02ChamberParameterisation
 Chamber parametrisation used in the GDML read/write example. More...
class  G02DetectorConstruction
 Detector construction used in GDML read/write example. More...
class  G02DetectorMessenger
 Detector messenger class used in GDML read/write example. More...
class  G02PrimaryGeneratorAction
 Primary generator action used in GDML read/write example. More...
class  G02RunAction
 Run action used in GDML read/write example. More...
class  G03ColorReader
 GDML reader for the color attributes. More...
class  G03ColorWriter
 GDML writer for the color attributes. More...
class  G03DetectorConstruction
 Detector construction for the GDML extensions example. More...
class  G03DetectorMessenger
 Detector messenger for the GDML extensions example. More...
class  G03PrimaryGeneratorAction
 Primary generator action for the GDML extension example. More...
class  G03RunAction
 Run action for the GDML extension example. More...
class  G04DetectorConstruction
 Detector construction for laoding GDML geometry. More...
class  G04PrimaryGeneratorAction
 Primary generator action for GDML sensitive detector example. More...
class  G04SensitiveDetector
 Sensitive detector to be attached to the GDML geometry. More...
class  ExP01ChamberParameterisation
 Chamber parameterisation for the persistency example. More...
class  ExP01Classes
class  ExP01DetectorConstruction
 Detector Construction for the persistency example. More...
class  ExP01DetectorMessenger
 Detector messenger for the persistency example. More...
class  ExP01EventAction
 Event action for the persistency example. More...
class  ExP01MagneticField
 Magnetic field for the persistency example. More...
class  ExP01PrimaryGeneratorAction
 Primary generator action for the persistency example. More...
class  ExP01RunAction
 Run action for the persistency example. More...
class  ExP01SteppingAction
 Stepping action for the persistency example. More...
class  ExP01SteppingVerbose
 Stepping verbose for the persistency example. More...
class  ExP01TrackerHit
 Hit implementation for the persistency example. More...
class  ExP01TrackerSD
 Sensitive detector implementation for the ROOT hits persistency example. More...
class  RootIO
 Root IO implementation for the persistency example. More...
class  ExP02Classes
class  ExP02DetConstrReader
 Detector construction reader using ROOT I/O. More...
class  ExP02DetectorConstruction
 Detector construction. More...
class  ExP02GeoTree
 Helper class needed for the ROOT I/O. More...
class  ExP02PrimaryGeneratorAction
 Primary generator action. More...
class  ExTGActionInitialization
 Action initialization class. More...
class  ExTGDetectorConstruction
 Detector construction class using text geometry file. More...
class  ExTGDetectorConstructionWithCpp
 Detector construction class using text geometry file and C++ code. More...
class  ExTGDetectorConstructionWithCuts
 Detector construction class using text geometry file using cuts per region. More...
class  ExTGDetectorConstructionWithSD
 Detector construction class using text geometry file and using a sensitive detector. More...
class  ExTGPrimaryGeneratorAction
 Example of primary generator action. More...
class  ExTGRCDetectorBuilder
 Detector builder class implementing cuts per region. More...
class  ExTGRCLineProcessor
 Line processor that adds the definition of regions. More...
class  ExTGRCRegionCutsMgr
 Region cuts manager. More...
class  ExTGRCRegionData
 Stores cuts per region data. More...
class  ExTGRunAction
 Dumps geometry in text format. More...
class  ExTGTrackerHit
 Example of hit. More...
class  ExTGTrackerSD
 Example of Sensitive detector. More...

Detailed Description

The page that defines the extended/persistency examples modules

Definition in file Doxymodules_persistency.h.

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