No Matches
Example Hadr00
CERN, Geneva, Switzerland

This example demonstrates a usage of G4PhysListFactory to build Physics List and G4HadronicProcessStore to access cross sections.


The Target volume is a cylinder placed inside the World volume. Following UI commands are available to modify the geometry:

/testhadr/TargetMat     G4_Pb
/testhadr/WorldMat      G4_AIR
/testhadr/TargetRadius  10 mm
/testhadr/TargetLength  20 cm

If geometry was changed between two runs, then the following command need to be executed:


By default beam direction coincides with the target axis and is Z axis in the global coordinate system. The beam starts in the middle of the target. G4ParticleGun is used as a primary generator. The energy and the type of the beam can be defined via standard UI commands

/gun/energy   15 GeV
/gun/particle proton


Physics List is defined by its name given in the 3d argument of the of the run command.

Hadr00 my.macro QGSP_BERT 

If 3d argument is not set then by the PHYSLIST environment variable. By default FTFP_BERT Physics List will be instantiated.


At the end of any run the set of cross sections is built and can be printed out for a given projectile particle and a target element, which can be defined via UI commands:

/testhadr/particle   pi+
/testhadr/targetElm  Pb
/testhadr/verbose    1

The level verbosity above zero provides printout of the cross section table. The energy/momentum limits and number of bins can be set via UI commands:

/testhadr/nBinsE      900
/testhadr/nBinsP      700
/testhadr/minEnergy   1 keV
/testhadr/maxEnergy   1 TeV
/testhadr/minMomentum 1 MeV
/testhadr/maxMOmentum 10 TeV


For interactive mode G4 visualization options and variables should be defined, then the example should be recompiled:

gmake visclean

The vis.mac file can be used an example of visualization. The following command can be used:

/testhadr/DrawTracks  charged
/testhadr/DrawTracks  neutral
/testhadr/DrawTracks  all


All histograms are provided in decimal logarithmic scale (log10(E/MeV) and log10(p/GeV)) for one projectile particle and one target element. The element is taken from the Geant4 NIST database, natural isotope composition is assumed.

It is possible to change scale and output file name using UI commands:

/testhadr/histo/fileName name
/testhadr/histo/setHisto idx nbins vmin vmax unit

Only ROOT histograms are available.

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