No Matches
Example TestEm0

This program is not a simulation. It prints the cross sections and stopping power used by the standard electromagnetic package, via G4EmCalculator which extracts these data from the PhysicsTables.

The program can be used in batch or interactively.

  • execute TestEm0 in 'batch' mode from macro files :
    % TestEm0   TestEm0.in
  • Interactively, a typical sequence will be :
    % TestEm0
    Idle> /run/initialize
    Idle> /testem/det/setMat Silicon
    Idle> /run/setCut 100 um
    Idle> /gun/particle e-
    Idle> /gun/energy 10 MeV
    Idle> /run/beamOn

The last command triggers BuildPhysicsTable() and executes the program.

Macros provided in this example:

  • muon.mac: muon incident
  • ion.mac: generic ion incident


DirectAccess.cc is a small batch program which shows how to compute the same basic data directly from the processes (indeed the models).

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