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Example TestEm10

Test for investigation of transition radiation. Default setup for "TestEm10.in" and "TestEm10.large_N.in" is the simplified setup for ALICE XTR test beam (~2004), defined in DetectorSimpleALICE class.


The geometry setup includes "radiator" and "absorber" volumes of a box shape.

The "radiator" material is defined as a mixture of a gas and foil material and the "absorber" contains a gas material.

Several geometry setups are defined in the classes DetectorSetupX, where SetupX = ALICE06, Bari05, Barr90, Construction, Harris73, Messenger, SimpleALICE, Watase86

The default setup, SimpleALICE, can be changed via UI command:

/XTRdetector/setup setup
     where setup = simpleALICE, alice06, bari05, harris73, watase86, barr90


The primary kinematic consists of a single particle which hits the absorber perpendicular to the input face. The type of the particle and its energy are set in the PrimaryGeneratorAction class, and can be changed via the G4 build-in commands of G4ParticleGun class (see the macros provided with this example).


In this example the total energy deposited in the "absorber" volume is accounted in SensitevDetector class, and a spectrum of XTR gamma particles, all secondary gamma particles and all secondary e- particleas is accounted in StackingAction class.


The particle's type and the physic processes which will be available in this example are set in PhysicsList class. The trasition radiation process is defined in the TransitionRadiationPhysics builder.

The transition radiator models can be changed simply with:

Idle> /emphyslist/setXTRModel modelName

See macro files "*.mac" for different setups providede with the example.


Testem10 produces several histo which are saved as testem10.root by default. Content of these histo:

  • 1. Energy deposit in absorber
  • 2. XTR Gamma spectrum
  • 3. Secondary Gamma spectrum
  • 4. Secondary e- spectrum
  • 5. Energy deposit in absorber with the same histogram parameters as in the previous version of this example (Geant4 version <=10.2)

The histograms are managed by G4AnalysisManager class and its Messenger. The histos can be individually activated with the command : /analysis/h1/set id nbBins valMin valMax unit where unit is the desired unit for the histo (MeV or keV, deg or mrad, etc..)

One can control the name of the histograms file with the command:

/analysis/setFileName  name  (default testem1)

It is possible to choose the format of the histogram file : root (default), hdf5, xml, csv, by changing the default file type in HistoManager.cc

It is also possible to print selected histograms on an ascii file:

/analysis/h1/setAscii id

All selected histos will be written on a file name.ascii (default testem1)


  • Execute TestEm10 in 'batch' mode from macro files e.g.
    % TestEm10 TestEm10.in [TestEm10.large_N.in]
  • Execute TestEm10 in 'interactive' mode with visualization e.g.
    % TestEm10
    Idle> type your commands


  • alice06.mac: ALICE simplified 2006 test beam setup
  • bari05.mac: setup of Bari INFN group (M. Bridgida et al, NIM A550 (2005) 157-168 (fig. 8))
  • barr90.mac: NIM A294 (1990) 465-472 (fig. 11) setup
  • harris73.mac: NIM 107 (1973) 413-422 (fig. 3b) setup
  • salice.mac: ALICE simplified 2006 test beam setup with disabled ionisation and multiple scattering
  • watase86.mac: NIM A248 (1986) 379-388 (fig. 7) setup

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