No Matches
Example movies


This example illustrates how to create a movie.

See https://geant4-userdoc.web.cern.ch/UsersGuides/ForApplicationDeveloper/html/Visualization/makingamovie.html#.

A) USING "/vis/viewer/save" AND "/vis/viewer/interpolate"

  1. a. To see a pre-prepared example, start this example in interactive mode (i.e., without any command line arguments). Just type
      /vis/viewer/interpolate viewfiles/movie-1
    If you want to see an electromagnetic shower
      /vis/viewer/interpolate viewfiles/movie-1
    b. To make your own movie, save a sequence of views with
    Then "fly through" with
    The procedure is: choose a view, save, choose another view, save, and so on until you have, say, 10 saved views. Then you may
    Note: This saves views to your current working directory. It is always good to remove any pre-existing saved files:
      rm *.g4view
    or save them, e.g.
      mkdir views
      mv *.g4view views
    which can subsequently be interpolated with
      /vis/viewer/interpolate views
    c. Then you have a choice of how to export the movie - see 3 below.
  2. You can use time-slicing to see particles progress through time

    a. To see a pre-prepared example

      /vis/modeling/trajectories/drawByCharge-0/default/setTimeSliceInterval 0.01 ns
      /vis/viewer/interpolate viewfiles/movie-2

    b. To make your own movie

      /vis/scene/add/trajectories rich
      /vis/modeling/trajectories/drawByCharge-0/default/setTimeSliceInterval 0.01 ns
      # Optionally add features (see guidance on /vis/viewer/set/timeWindow/)
      /vis/viewer/set/timeWindow/displayLightFront true 0 0 -20 cm -0.01 ns
      /vis/viewer/set/timeWindow/displayHeadTime true
      /vis/viewer/set/timeWindow/fadeFactor 1
      # Then set a time window and save
      /vis/viewer/set/timeWindow/startTime 0 ns .1 ns
      # Then zoom, pan etc to a view of interest
      # Then set the next time window and save
      /vis/viewer/set/timeWindow/startTime .5 ns .1 ns
      # Then zoom, pan etc to a view of interest
      # Then set the next time window and save
      /vis/viewer/set/timeWindow/startTime 1 ns .1 ns
      # Then another view, the next time window, and a save...
      # ...repeat a few more times
      # Then try
  3. How to export images using /vis/viewer/interpolate (OpenGL only)
      /vis/viewer/interpolate ! ! ! ! export
    This produces lots of files. You can change export format with (for example)
      /vis/ogl/set/exportFormat jpg
    Then import them into your favourite movie maker - see https://geant4-userdoc.web.cern.ch/UsersGuides/ForApplicationDeveloper/html/Visualization/makingamovie.html#


These files are inherited from the old "novice" example N03. They draw (and optionally, save) views using a macro loop. They have not been tested recently. Best to run in batch mode in the build directory. E.g.

./movies -m visTutor/exN03Vis12.mac
./movies -m visTutor/exN03Vis13.mac

John Allison 15th February 2021

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