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Category "hadronic/ParticleFluence"

Examples in this directory demonstrate specific set-ups in which to evaluate particle fluence.

Sphere This set-up consists of a full solid target sphere - whose radius and material can be set via UI commands. The primary particle is shot from the center of the target sphere (along the z-axis direction by default). As scoring volume, we use a thin spherical shell outside the target sphere. The particle fluences are evaluated in the forward and backward hemispheres (with respect to the primary particle direction).

ConcentricSpheres Similar to the Sphere one, but with two larger solid target spherical shells outside the first one, separated by some space filled up by G4_Galactic. The dimensions of these three targets - which are meant as a simplified proxy for, respectively, a Tracker (inner sphere), EM (electromagnetic) calorimeter (middle spherical shell), and HAD (hadronic) calorimeter (external spherical shell) - and their materials can be set via UI commands. As scoring volumes, we use three thin spherical shells immediately outside the inner target sphere and the two target spherical shells. The particle fluences are evaluated in the forward and backward hemispheres (with respect to the primary particle direction).

Layer This set-up consists of a cylinder, with axis along the z-direction, whose radius, length (i.e. thickness) and material can be set via UI commands. The primary particle is shot by default along the z-axis, from behind the target. As scoring volumes, we use three thin cylindrical layers, filled up by G4_Galactic, and placed downstream, upstream, and aside of the target cylinder.

Calo Similar to the Layer one, the target consists of a simplified cylindrical hadronic calorimeter, whose properties - size, number of layers, sampling fraction, active and absorber materials - can be set via UI commands. Similarly to the Layer case, the the particle fluences are evaluated in the downstream, upstream and aside positions.

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