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Category "eventgenerator"

Examples in this directory demonstrate various ways of primary event generation.


This example demonstrates 4 ways of the usage of G4ParticleGun shooting primary particles in different cases.


This example demonstrates the usage of G4GeneralParticleSource for generating primary incident particle according to user defined distributions.


This example shows how to create a primary event including several vertices and several primary particles per vertex.


This directory contains examples for using HepMC as an interface with various Monte Carlo event generators, such as PYTHIA. It also include an example for demonstrating MC truth handling with HepMC.


This directory contains the following examples:

a) use of Pythia6 as Monte Carlo event generator, interfaced with Geant4, and showing how to implement an external decayer based on Pythia6. The feature is activated by setting environment variable PYTHIA6 to point to the Pythia6 installation area. For details, please see Example decayer6 .

b) use of Pythia8 as an external decayer to replace native Geant4 decay tables for such resonances as tau+/- and B+/-, and to supplement Pythia8-based decay tables to those resonances where Geant4 native decay features are not implemented. The feature is activated by setting environment variable PYTHIA8 to point to the Pythia8 installation area. For details, please see Example py8decayer .

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