No Matches
Example moleculardna
N. Lampe, M. Karamitros, D. Sakata, W. G. Shin, M. Dordevic, K. Chatzipapas, H. N. Tran (*) et al.
(*) contact: tran@.nosp@m.cenb.nosp@m.g.in2.nosp@m.p3.f.nosp@m.r

This example is provided by the Geant4-DNA collaboration. (http://geant4-dna.org)

Any report or published results obtained using the Geant4-DNA software shall cite the following Geant4-DNA collaboration publications:

  • Med. Phys. 45 (2018) e722-e739
  • Phys. Med. 31 (2015) 861-874
  • Med. Phys. 37 (2010) 4692-4708
  • Int. J. Model. Simul. Sci. Comput. 1 (2010) 157–178

These two PhD theses describe the chain:

Related publications can be found at:http://geant4-dna.org


This example shows how to simulate physics, physico-chemistry and chemistry processes in DNA geometries. Please find its documentation in https://natl.github.io/molecular-docs/

To build the example:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../pathToExamples/moleculardna

To run the example:

./molecular -m cylinders.mac -t 2 -p 2
# -m : macro file
# -t : number of threads to run
# -p : physics list option

Macro files can control every aspect of the simulation.


The geometry is built from text files for cylinders (cylinders.mac), ecoli (ecoli.mac) and human cell (human_cell.mac) geometries.

  • cylinders.mac : to build a 3 μm sphere filled with 200,000 individual 216 bp long straight DNA segments in a 100×30×30 nm placement volume
  • human_cell.mac : to model a fibroblast cell geometry. This mac file, may be used to produce data that may be used with the repair model, to produce results published in https://doi.org/10.1002/pro6.1186
  • ecoli.mac : to demonstrate a simple model where the bacterial DNA follows a large scale fractal ‘Hilbert curve’ geometry
  • more geometry information can be found in https://natl.github.io/molecular-docs/

For the details, please see documentation to construct DNA geometry models: http://natl.github.io/fractaldna/

Macro commands can be used to control the geometry parameters

# Commands for world geometry params
/world/worldSize 10200 nm
/cell/radiusSize 3 3 3 um

# Commands for the time of chemistry simulation
/scheduler/endTime 1 us

# Set Smartless for logicalVolume
/dnageom/setSmartVoxels 1
# Check overlaps in DNA geometry region
/dnageom/checkOverlaps false # default

# Distance from base pairs at which to kill radicals
/dnageom/radicalKillDistance 9 nm

# Critical range to start recording SSBs from direct effects
/dnageom/interactionDirectRange 7 angstrom

# Side length for each placement (x, y, z)
/dnageom/placementSize 30 30 100 nm

# Scaling of XYZ in fractal definition file
/dnageom/fractalScaling 1 1 1 nm

# Path to file that defines placement locations (cylinders.mac)
/dnageom/definitionFile geometries/prisms200k_r3000.txt

# Set a placement volume [format] [name path] (cylinders.mac)
/dnageom/placementVolume prism geometries/straight-216-0.txt

# Take the angles in the voxel placement file as multiples of pi
# E.g. set to true if the angle 0.5 should mean 90 degrees
/dnageom/setVoxelPlacementAnglesAsMultiplesOfPi false # default

# The molecule size columns are optional, as they can either
# fall back onto the default sizes or be set to custom sizes in the macro
# used default moleculeSize (as belows)
/dnageom/useCustomMoleculeSizes false # default

# Draw cell/chromosome volumes rather than DNA (makes DNA invisible)
/dnageom/drawCellVolumes false # default

# Activate Histone scavenging function with default radius
/dnageom/activateHistoneScavenging true # default

# DNA geometries are only ever placed in a chromosome
/chromosome/add cylinder sphere 3000 0 0 0 nm

# For the visualisation of DNA geometries, the following line can be used
/control/execute vis.mac
# More specifically, start moleculardna using the command ./molecular, to
# to open the Qt visualiser. Then use the mac file that you want, e.g.
# /control/execute cylinders.mac
# For the visualization, large amount of RAM is needed. For example
# using cylinders DNA geometries, to visualize 200 cylinders, ~2.5 GB
# are needed. For 2000 cylinders, ~11 GB are needed.

The DNA parallel world can be activated using the "useParallelPhysicsWorld" flag in the PhysicsList.cc and DetectorConstruction.cc files for the physics stage. Setting "useParallelPhysicsWorld = false" means that particles will only interact with the water volume. Energy deposition in water caused by direct damage is recorded using octree data structures associated with DNA volumes.


MolecularPhysicsList is a Geant4 modular physics which can use the recommended G4EmDNAPhysics_option2, G4EmDNAPhysics_option4 or G4EmDNAPhysics_option6 constructors.


The source can be specified via General Particle Source in the provided macro files.


Mechanistic DNA simulations are dependent upon a DNA damage model to relate energy depositions close to DNA, and chemical reactions with DNA to actual DNA damage

The fowlling macro commands is used to control the damage parameters

# Direct damage Threshold
/dnadamage/directDamageLower 17.5 eV
/dnadamage/directDamageUpper 17.5 eV

# Indirect damage probability to create a SSB for
# OH radical + DNA base,
/dnadamage/indirectOHBaseChance 1.0
/dnadamage/indirectOHStrandChance 0.65
/dnadamage/inductionOHChance 0.0

# H radical + DNA base
/dnadamage/indirectHBaseChance 1.0
/dnadamage/indirectHStrandChance 0.65
/dnadamage/inductionHChance 0.00

# e_aq radical + base
/dnadamage/indirectEaqBaseChance 1.0
/dnadamage/indirectEaqStrandChance 0.65
/dnadamage/inductionEaqChance 0.00


# Bool to set whether strands ought be saved
/analysisDNA/saveStrands false # default

# Directory to save DNA damage fragments

# Gap between DNA fragments in base pairs
# Set to zero to score placement volumes independently
/analysisDNA/fragmentGap 0

# To save the position of hits histos only on one chain

Several ROOT macro files are provided in the analysis directory:

root cylinders.C
# to plot damage from cylinders geometry

root ecoli.C
# to plot damage from ecoli geometry

root human_cell.C
# to plot damage and fragments distribution from human_cell geometry

# A python macro file is provided to modify ROOT output in SDD file format:
python createSDD.py
# to use it, insert the command "python3 createSDD.py".
# If error with root, simply source /path/to/root/bin/thisroot.(c)sh,
# do "pip install pyroot" and try again.

# A python macro file to calculate repair kinetics is located in the folder
# repair_survival_models. This script can be used with the output of the mac
# file human_cell (10^5 primaries) to reproduced data published in
# https://arxiv.org/abs/2210.01564
# to use it, insert the command "python3 molecularDNArepair.py".
# The molecular-dna.root is also needed to run it, as produced by
# the human-cell.mac.

# A python macro file to calculate the survival probability of cells is located
# in the folder repair_survival_models. This script is early released and needs to be optimized
# to fit any data.
# to use it, insert the command "python3 molecularDNAsurnival.py".
# The molecular-dna.root is needed to run it, as produced by
# the human-cell.mac.


The example can read a phase space file as source for the primary generation, defined in the csv format used by the GRAS Two-Stage Analysis [1]. An example of phase space file and the macro to read it are provided in the "/phase_space" subdirectory. This simple phase space file only provides 20 electrons with an energy of 45 keV on a randomly shaped surface based on the cylinders.mac macro file.

An alternative example for DNA damage calculation can be found in /examples/advanced/dsbandrepair


[1] https://spitfire.estec.esa.int/trac/GRAS/wiki/GRAS/GRAS-05-02/UserGuideTwoStage

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