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26/// \file eventgenerator/HepMC/HepMCEx01/HepMCEx01.cc
27/// \brief Main program of the eventgenerator/HepMC/HepMCEx01 example
30// --------------------------------------------------------------
31// GEANT 4 - example derived from novice exampleN04
32// --------------------------------------------------------------
34#include "G4Types.hh"
36#include "FTFP_BERT.hh"
37#include "G4RunManagerFactory.hh"
38#include "G4UImanager.hh"
41#include "ExN04EventAction.hh"
43#include "ExN04RunAction.hh"
49#include "G4VisExecutive.hh"
50#include "G4UIExecutive.hh"
52int main(int argc,char** argv)
54 // Instantiate G4UIExecutive if there are no arguments (interactive mode)
55 G4UIExecutive* ui = nullptr;
56 if ( argc == 1 ) {
57 ui = new G4UIExecutive(argc, argv);
58 }
60 // User Verbose output class
61 //
63 G4VSteppingVerbose::SetInstance(verbosity);
65 // Serial only Run manager
66 //
67 auto* runManager = G4RunManagerFactory::CreateRunManager(G4RunManagerType::SerialOnly);
69 // User Initialization classes (mandatory)
70 //
72 runManager->SetUserInitialization(detector);
73 //
74 G4VUserPhysicsList* physics = new FTFP_BERT;
75 runManager->SetUserInitialization(physics);
77 runManager->Initialize();
79 // User Action classes
80 //
82 runManager->SetUserAction(gen_action);
83 //
84 G4UserRunAction* run_action = new ExN04RunAction;
85 runManager->SetUserAction(run_action);
86 //
87 G4UserEventAction* event_action = new ExN04EventAction;
88 runManager->SetUserAction(event_action);
89 //
90 G4UserStackingAction* stacking_action = new ExN04StackingAction;
91 runManager->SetUserAction(stacking_action);
92 //
93 G4UserTrackingAction* tracking_action = new ExN04TrackingAction;
94 runManager->SetUserAction(tracking_action);
95 //
96 G4UserSteppingAction* stepping_action = new ExN04SteppingAction;
97 runManager->SetUserAction(stepping_action);
99 G4VisManager* visManager = new G4VisExecutive;
100 visManager->Initialize();
102 //get the pointer to the User Interface manager
103 G4UImanager* UImanager = G4UImanager::GetUIpointer();
105 if (!ui) // batch mode
106 {
107 visManager->SetVerboseLevel("quiet");
108 G4String command = "/control/execute ";
109 G4String fileName = argv[1];
110 UImanager->ApplyCommand(command+fileName);
111 }
112 else
113 { // interactive mode : define UI session
114 ui->SessionStart();
115 delete ui;
116 }
118 // Free the store: user actions, physics_list and detector_description are
119 // owned and deleted by the run manager, so they should not
120 // be deleted in the main() program !
122 delete visManager;
123 delete runManager;
124 delete verbosity;
Definition of the ExN04DetectorConstruction class.
Definition of the ExN04EventAction class.
Definition of the ExN04PrimaryGeneratorAction class.
Definition of the ExN04RunAction class.
Definition of the ExN04StackingAction class.
Definition of the ExN04SteppingAction class.
Definition of the ExN04SteppingVerbose class.
Definition of the ExN04TrackingAction class.
int main()
Definition testCommon.cc:47

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