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4// * *
5// * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of *
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7// * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file *
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11// * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
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18// * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and *
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30#include "G4UImessenger.hh" // for G4UImessenger
31#include <G4String.hh> // for G4String
35class G4UIcommand;
36class G4UIdirectory;
40 * @brief Inference messenger.
41 *
42 * Provides UI commands to setup the inference: name of the inference library,
43 * path to the ML model, size of the latent space, the size of the condition
44 * vector and flags for optimization and profiling. It allows to specify the
45 * mesh size (in cylindrical coordinates) that was used in training dataset
46 * (full simulation).
47 *
48 */
54 /// Invokes appropriate methods based on the typed command
55 virtual void SetNewValue(G4UIcommand *, G4String) final;
56 /// Retrieves the current settings
57 virtual G4String GetCurrentValue(G4UIcommand *) final;
60 /// Inference to setup
61 Par04InferenceSetup *fInference = nullptr;
62 /// Command to set the directory common to all inference messengers in this
63 /// example /Par04
64 G4UIdirectory *fExampleDir = nullptr;
65 /// Command to set the directory for inference settings /Par04/inference
66 G4UIdirectory *fInferenceDir = nullptr;
67 /// Command to set the inference library
68 G4UIcmdWithAString *fInferenceLibraryCmd = nullptr;
69 /// Command to set fModelPathNameCmd
70 G4UIcmdWithAString *fModelPathNameCmd = nullptr;
71 /// Command to set the fSizeLatentVectorCmd
72 G4UIcmdWithAnInteger *fSizeLatentVectorCmd = nullptr;
73 /// Command to set the fSizeConditionVectorCmd
74 G4UIcmdWithAnInteger *fSizeConditionVectorCmd = nullptr;
75 /// Command to set the fProfileFlagCmd
76 G4UIcmdWithAnInteger *fProfileFlagCmd = nullptr;
77 /// Command to set the fOptimizationFlagCmd
78 G4UIcmdWithAnInteger *fOptimizationFlagCmd = nullptr;
79 /// Command to set the number of cells in the cylindrical readout mesh (along
80 /// rho axis)
81 G4UIcmdWithAnInteger *fMeshNbRhoCellsCmd = nullptr;
82 /// Command to set the number of cells in the cylindrical readout mesh (along
83 /// phi axis)
84 G4UIcmdWithAnInteger *fMeshNbPhiCellsCmd = nullptr;
85 /// Command to set the number of cells in the cylindrical readout mesh (along
86 /// z axis)
87 G4UIcmdWithAnInteger *fMeshNbZCellsCmd = nullptr;
88 /// Command to the size of cells in the cylindrical readout mesh (along rho
89 /// axis)
90 G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit *fMeshSizeRhoCellsCmd = nullptr;
91 /// Command to the size of cells in the cylindrical readout mesh (along z
92 /// axis)
93 G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit *fMeshSizeZCellsCmd = nullptr;
94 /// Commands to set execution provider flags
95 /// GPU
96 G4UIcmdWithAnInteger *fCudaFlagCmd = nullptr;
97 /// Cuda Commands
98 G4UIdirectory *fCudaOptionsDir = nullptr;
99 G4UIcmdWithAString *fCudaDeviceIdCmd = nullptr;
100 G4UIcmdWithAString *fCudaGpuMemLimitCmd = nullptr;
101 G4UIcmdWithAString *fCudaArenaExtendedStrategyCmd = nullptr;
102 G4UIcmdWithAString *fCudaCudnnConvAlgoSearchCmd = nullptr;
103 G4UIcmdWithAString *fCudaDoCopyInDefaultStreamCmd = nullptr;
104 G4UIcmdWithAString *fCudaCudnnConvUseMaxWorkspaceCmd = nullptr;

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