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Example : exFlukaCernPhysicsList

Note that this is a generic guide, allowing the use of the FLUKA interface in any G4 application.

If you are interested in studying the XS and final states at the interaction level,
or if you have never used the interface to FLUKA before,
please directly follow the README.md files included in
ProcessLevel/CrossSection and ProcessLevel/FinalState.

If you want to integrate a physics list including FLUKA hadron-nucleus inelastic models into your G4 application,
please follow FlukaCern/FlukaInterface/README.md.

You will find there a generic guide, allowing you to use the FLUKA interface in any G4 application.

It notably contains a list of dependencies, how to setup your environment,
and how to adapt your build system.

In order to include the G4_HP_CernFLUKAHadronInelastic_PhysicsList into the source of your application,
you can then follow what has been done in FlukaCern/ProcessLevel/CrossSection/HadronNucleusXS.cc.

Note that the integration of that PhysicsList is similar to the integration of any other custom PhysicsList,
with, in addition, the G4_USE_FLUKA treatment, and the necessary call to fluka_particle_table::initialize().

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