Appendix .  Appendices

1.  Tips for Program Compilation

This section is dedicated to illustrate and justify some of the options used and fixed by default in the compilation of the Geant4 toolkit. It is also meant to be a simple guide for the user/installer to avoid or overcome problems which may occur on some compilers. Solutions proposed here are based on the experience gained while porting the Geant4 code to different architectures/compilers and are specific to the OS's and compiler's version valid at the current time of writing of this manual.

Detailed instructions for building and installing Geant4, and for building user applications, are found in the Geant4 Installation Guide.

It's well known that each compiler adopts its own internal techniques to produce the object code, which in the end might be more or less performant and more or less optimised, depending on several factors also related to the system architecture which it applies to.

1.1.  Unix/Linux - GNU g++

Strict ISO/ANSI compilation is forced (-pedantic and relevant -std= compiler flags), and code is compiled with high warning diagnostics (-Wall flag). The default optimisation level is -O2. The CMake build mode RelWithDebInfo allows for an optimised build of the libraries but including debug symbols (-O2 -g flags on g++, flag G4OPTDEBUG in the GNUMake system).

When built with support for multithreading, additional flags -DG4MULTITHREADED -ftls-model=initial-exec -pthread are used in all build modes. This requires the compiler to support thread local storage.


Additional compilation options (-march=XXX -mfpmath=sseYYY) to adopt chip specific floating-point operations on the SSE unit can be activated by adapting the XXX, YYY options to your chip and adding these to the CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS variable via ccmake or the CMake GUI (or by uncommenting the relevant part in the Linux-g++.gmk configuration script for the GNUMake system). By doing so, a greater stability of results has been verified, making possible reproducibility of exact outputs between debug, non-optimised and optimised runs. A little performance improvement (in the order of 2%) can also be achieved in some cases. Note that binaries built using these chip-specific options will likely NOT be portable; generated applications will only run on the specific chip-based architectures.

1.2.  Windows - MS Visual C++

Since version .NET 7.0 of the compiler, ISO/ANSI compliance is required.

1.3.  Mac OS X - LLVM/Clang (Xcode Command Line Tools)

The setup adopted for the clang compiler on Mac OS X resembles in most parts the one for Linux systems. Clang must must be used as the Apple supplied GNU/gcc library does not provides the required level of multithreading support.

When built with support for multithreading, additional flags -DG4MULTITHREADED -ftls-model=initial-exec -pthread are used in all build modes

Dynamic libraries (.dylib) are built by default. The installation of Geant4 sets the install name of the libraries to the absolute path to the library. Applications linked against the Geant4 libraries should therefore find the libraries automatically. Use of an absolute install name means that the Geant4 libraries are not relocatable without using install_name_tool to modify the install name and paths to dependent libraries.