4.2.  Command Line Help with Make

If you develop using the command line and Make, you can get information on the targets available to make by making the help target in your build directory:

    $ make help
    The following are some of the valid targets for this Makefile:
    ... all (the default if no target is provided)
    ... clean
    ... depend

You may build any target individually, and it will be built together with all of its dependencies. CMake's generated makefiles only output minimal information, but if you need to see the full commands for debugging or just info, you can run make as

    $ make VERBOSE=1

to output all commands.

If you want to very quickly check that your target compiles, without checking any of its dependencies, you can append /fast to the target name, e.g.

    $ make G4run/fast

This will finish with an error if any dependents of the target do not exist, but can be useful to quickly check that just the sources you are working on compile.