Chapter 3.  Setting Up and Using an Install of Geant4

3.1.  Geant4 Installation Locations

If you choose the default installation paths, then your install of Geant4 is completely contained under the directory you chose for CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX, with the structure

       +- bin/
       |  +- geant4-config   (UNIX ONLY)
       |  +- geant4.csh      (UNIX ONLY)
       |  +-       (UNIX ONLY)
       |  +- G4global.dll    (WINDOWS ONLY)
       |  +- ...
       +- include/
       |  +- Geant4/
       |     +- G4global.hh
       |     +- ...
       |     +- CLHEP/       (WITH INTERNAL CLHEP ONLY)
       |     +- tools/
       +- lib/               (MAY BE lib64 on LINUX)
       |  +-  (AND/OR .a, OR G4Global.lib ON WINDOWS)
       |  +- ...
       |  +- Geant4-9.6.0/
       |     +- Geant4Config.cmake
       |     +- Geant4ConfigVersion.cmake
       |     +- Geant4LibraryDepends.cmake
       |     +- Geant4LibraryDepends-Release.cmake
       |     +- UseGeant4.cmake
       |     +- Linux-g++    (OR Darwin-g++ UNIX ONLY SOFTLINK -> ..)
       |     +- Modules/
       +- share
          +- Geant4-9.6.0
             +- data/        (IF GEANT4_INSTALL_DATA WAS SET)
             +- geant4make/
                +- geant4make.csh
                +- config/

To make the Geant4 binaries and libraries available on your PATH and library path (LD_LIBRARY_PATH on Linux, DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH on Mac OS X), you should source the relevant script in CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX/bin

On interactive bourne shells (e.g. bash), do (assuming you are in CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX/bin):

    $ .

This command can also be used to setup the Geant4 environment in other Bourne shell scripts. You can also supply the full path to the script rather than changing to the directory containing it.

On interactive C shells, do (assuming you are in CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX/bin):

    $ source geant4.csh

In an interactive session you can also supply the full path to the script rather than changing to the directory containing it. The C shell script cannot be sourced directly inside other shell scripts due to a limitation of this shell which prevents the script being able to locate itself. If you need to source the C shell script inside another, then you can use the command

    cd CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX/bin ; source geant4.csh

where you should replace CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX/bin with the directory you installed geant4.csh in. You can also use the command


where as above you should replace CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX/bin with the directory where geant4.csh is located.

On Windows, you should add the directory containing the Geant4 dll files to your PATH environment variable. On Windows 7/XP, this can be done via the Control Panel as follows

  • Step 1:

    Open the Windows Control Panel.

  • Step 2:

    Open the System item in the Control Panel.

  • Step 3:

    Click on the Advanced system settings link on the System window (on Windows XP, click on the Advanced tab).

  • Step 4:

    Click on the Environment Variables button in the System Properties window.

  • Step 5:

    Select the PATH entry in the User variables list, and click the Edit button. If PATH is not present, click on the New and create it.

  • Step 6:

    In the popup Edit User Variable window, append the directory in which the Geant4 dlls are installed to the Variable value entry of the PATH variable (Note that on Windows, path entries are separated by semicolons). It's very important to append the Geant4 dll path if you have an existing PATH, otherwise other programs may stop working correctly! If the Variable value entry of the PATH variable is empty, or you've just created it, you can simply set the value to the directory in which the Geant4 dlls are installed. Once you have edited, click OK.