Photoelectric effect phot: SubType=12 BuildTable=0 LambdaPrime table from 200 keV to 100 TeV in 174 bins ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== LivermorePhElectric : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV SauterGavrila Fluo Compton scattering compt: SubType=13 BuildTable=1 Lambda table from 10 eV to 1 MeV, 20 bins/decade, spline: 1 LambdaPrime table from 1 MeV to 100 TeV in 160 bins ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== KleinNishina : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV Fluo Gamma conversion conv: SubType=14 BuildTable=1 Lambda table from 1.022 MeV to 100 TeV, 20 bins/decade, spline: 1 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== BetheHeitlerLPM : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV ModifiedTsai Rayleigh scattering Rayl: SubType=11 BuildTable=1 Lambda table from 10 eV to 100 keV, 20 bins/decade, spline: 0 LambdaPrime table from 100 keV to 100 TeV in 180 bins ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== LivermoreRayleigh : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV CullenGenerator
Multiple scattering. Simulates combined effects of elastic scattering at the end of the step, to save computing time. May be combined with Coulomb scattering in a 'mixed' scattering algorithm. msc: SubType= 10 RangeFactor= 0.04, stepLimType: 3, latDisp: 1, skin= 1, geomFactor= 2.5 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== UrbanMsc : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV Nbins=240 100 eV - 100 TeV Pair production ePairProd: SubType=4 dE/dx and range tables from 10 eV to 100 TeV in 260 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 20 bins/decade, spline: 1 Sampling table 25x1001; from 0.1 GeV to 100 TeV ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== ePairProd : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV Ionisation eIoni: SubType=2 dE/dx and range tables from 10 eV to 100 TeV in 260 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 20 bins/decade, spline: 1 StepFunction=(0.2, 0.1 mm), integ: 1, fluct: 1, linLossLim= 0.01 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== MollerBhabha : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV deltaVI CSDA range table up to 1 GeV in 160 bins Bremsstrahlung eBrem: SubType=3 dE/dx and range tables from 10 eV to 100 TeV in 260 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 20 bins/decade, spline: 1 LPM flag: 1 for E > 1 GeV, VertexHighEnergyTh(GeV)= 100000 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== eBremSB : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 1 GeV AngularGen2BS eBremLPM : Emin= 1 GeV Emax= 100 TeV AngularGen2BS
Positron annihilation annihil: integral:1 SubType=5 BuildTable=0 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== eplus2gg : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV Multiple scattering. Simulates combined effects of elastic scattering at the end of the step, to save computing time. May be combined with Coulomb scattering in a 'mixed' scattering algorithm. msc: SubType= 10 RangeFactor= 0.04, stepLimType: 3, latDisp: 1, skin= 1, geomFactor= 2.5 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== UrbanMsc : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV Nbins=240 100 eV - 100 TeV Pair production ePairProd: SubType=4 dE/dx and range tables from 10 eV to 100 TeV in 260 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 20 bins/decade, spline: 1 Sampling table 25x1001; from 0.1 GeV to 100 TeV ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== ePairProd : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV Ionisation eIoni: SubType=2 dE/dx and range tables from 10 eV to 100 TeV in 260 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 20 bins/decade, spline: 1 StepFunction=(0.2, 0.1 mm), integ: 1, fluct: 1, linLossLim= 0.01 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== MollerBhabha : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV deltaVI CSDA range table up to 1 GeV in 160 bins Bremsstrahlung eBrem: SubType=3 dE/dx and range tables from 10 eV to 100 TeV in 260 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 20 bins/decade, spline: 1 LPM flag: 1 for E > 1 GeV, VertexHighEnergyTh(GeV)= 100000 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== eBremSB : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 1 GeV AngularGen2BS eBremLPM : Emin= 1 GeV Emax= 100 TeV AngularGen2BS
Nuclear stopping nuclearStopping: SubType=8 BuildTable=0 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== ICRU49NucStopping : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 1 MeV Hadron multiple scattering. Simulates combined effects of elastic scattering at the end of the step, to save computing time. May be combined with Coulomb scattering in a 'mixed' scattering algorithm. msc: SubType= 10 RangeFactor= 0.2, stepLimType: 0, latDisp: 1 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== UrbanMsc : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV Nbins=240 100 eV - 100 TeV Hadron bremsstrahlung hBrems: SubType=3 dE/dx and range tables from 10 eV to 100 TeV in 260 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 20 bins/decade, spline: 1 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== hBrem : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV Hadron pair production hPairProd: SubType=4 dE/dx and range tables from 10 eV to 100 TeV in 260 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 20 bins/decade, spline: 1 Sampling table 17x1001; from 7.50618 GeV to 100 TeV ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== hPairProd : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV Ionisation hIoni: SubType=2 dE/dx and range tables from 10 eV to 100 TeV in 260 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 20 bins/decade, spline: 1 StepFunction=(0.2, 0.05 mm), integ: 1, fluct: 1, linLossLim= 0.01 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== Bragg : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 2 MeV deltaVI BetheBloch : Emin= 2 MeV Emax= 100 TeV deltaVI CSDA range table up to 1 GeV in 160 bins
Muon multiple scattering. Simulates combined effects of elastic scattering at the end of the step, to save computing time. May be combined with Coulomb scattering in a 'mixed' scattering algorithm. msc: SubType= 10 RangeFactor= 0.2, stepLimType: 0, latDisp: 1, polarAngLim(deg)= 180 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== UrbanMsc : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV Nbins=240 100 eV - 100 TeV Muon bremsstrahlung muBrems: SubType=3 dE/dx and range tables from 10 eV to 100 TeV in 260 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 20 bins/decade, spline: 1 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== MuBrem : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV Pair production muPairProd: SubType=4 dE/dx and range tables from 10 eV to 100 TeV in 260 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 20 bins/decade, spline: 1 Sampling table 21x1001; from 1 GeV to 100 TeV ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== muPairProd : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV Muon ionisation muIoni: SubType=2 dE/dx and range tables from 10 eV to 100 TeV in 260 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 20 bins/decade, spline: 1 StepFunction=(0.2, 0.05 mm), integ: 1, fluct: 1, linLossLim= 0.01 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== Bragg : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 200 keV deltaVI BetheBloch : Emin= 200 keV Emax= 1 GeV deltaVI MuBetheBloch : Emin= 1 GeV Emax= 100 TeV CSDA range table up to 1 GeV in 160 bins
Muon multiple scattering. Simulates combined effects of elastic scattering at the end of the step, to save computing time. May be combined with Coulomb scattering in a 'mixed' scattering algorithm. msc: SubType= 10 RangeFactor= 0.2, stepLimType: 0, latDisp: 1, polarAngLim(deg)= 180 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== UrbanMsc : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV Nbins=240 100 eV - 100 TeV Muon bremsstrahlung muBrems: SubType=3 dE/dx and range tables from 10 eV to 100 TeV in 260 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 20 bins/decade, spline: 1 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== MuBrem : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV Pair production muPairProd: SubType=4 dE/dx and range tables from 10 eV to 100 TeV in 260 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 20 bins/decade, spline: 1 Sampling table 21x1001; from 1 GeV to 100 TeV ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== muPairProd : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV Muon ionisation muIoni: SubType=2 dE/dx and range tables from 10 eV to 100 TeV in 260 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 20 bins/decade, spline: 1 StepFunction=(0.2, 0.05 mm), integ: 1, fluct: 1, linLossLim= 0.01 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== ICRU73QO : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 200 keV deltaVI BetheBloch : Emin= 200 keV Emax= 1 GeV deltaVI MuBetheBloch : Emin= 1 GeV Emax= 100 TeV CSDA range table up to 1 GeV in 160 bins