Physics Reference Manual
Scope of this Manual
The Physics Reference Manual provides detailed explanations of the physics implemented in the Geant4 toolkit.
The manual’s purpose is threefold:
to present the theoretical formulation, model, or parameterization of the physics interactions included in Geant4,
to describe the probability of the occurrence of an interaction and the sampling mechanisms required to simulate it, and
to serve as a reference for toolkit users and developers who wish to consult the underlying physics of an interaction.
This manual does not discuss code implementation or how to use the implemented physics interactions in a simulation. These topics are discussed in the User’s Guide for Application Developers. Details of the object-oriented design and functionality of the Geant4 toolkit are given in the User’s Guide for Toolkit Developers. The Installation Guide for Setting up |Geant4| in Your Computing Environment describes how to get the Geant4 code, install it, and run it.
- General Information
- Decay
- Electromagnetic Interactions
- Electromagnetic Physics in Geant4
- Gamma incident
- Energy Loss of Charged Particles
- Elastic scattering
- Atomic Relaxation
- Electron and Positron Incident
- Muon incident
- Charged Hadron Incident
- Polarized Electron/Positron/Gamma Incident
- Introduction
- Ionisation
- Positron - Electron Annihilation
- Polarized Compton scattering
- Polarized Bremsstrahlung for electron and positron
- Polarized Gamma conversion into an electron–positron pair
- Polarized Photoelectric Effect
- Compton Scattering by Linearly Polarized Gamma Rays - Livermore Model
- Pair production by Linearly Polarized Gamma Rays - Livermore Model
- Pair production by Linearly Polarized Gamma Rays - Five-dimensional (5D) Bethe-Heitler Model
- X-Ray production
- Optical Photons
- Geant4-DNA
- Microelectronics
- Shower Parameterizations
- Hadronic Physics in Geant4
- Hadronic Cross Sections in Geant4
- Coherent elastic scattering
- Hadron-nucleus Elastic Scattering at Medium and High Energy
- Parton string model
- Fritiof (FTF) Model
- The Geant4 Bertini Intranuclear Cascade Model
- The Geant4 Binary Cascade Model
: the Liège Intranuclear Cascade Model- Precompound model
- Evaporation Model
- Fission model
- Fermi Break-up Model
- Multifragmentation Model
evaporation/fission model- Quantum Molecular Dynamics for Heavy Ions
- Abrasion-ablation Model
- Introduction
- Initial nuclear dynamics and impact parameter
- Abrasion process
- Abraded nucleon spectrum
- De-excitation of the projectile and target nuclear pre-fragments by standard Geant4 de-excitation physics
- De-excitation of the projectile and target nuclear pre-fragments by nuclear ablation
- Definition of the functions P and F used in the abrasion model
- Electromagnetic Dissociation Model
- Interactions of Stopping Particles
- Low Energy Neutron Interactions
- Introduction
- Physics and Verification
- Elastic Scattering
- Radiative Capture
- Fission
- Inelastic Scattering
- Unresolved Resonance Region (URR) description with Probability Tables (PT)
- Neutron Data Library (G4NDL) Format
- High Precision Models and Low Energy Parameterized Models
- Summary and Important Remark
- Bibliography
- LowEnergyChargedParticles
- Geant4 Low Energy Nuclear Data (LEND) Package
- Radioactive Decay
- Gamma- and Lepto-Nuclear Interactions
- Neutrino Interactions
- Solid State Physics
Status of this Document
A description of the available physics models and processes within the Geant4 toolkit.
Rev 1.0: First sphinx version implemented for Geant4 Release 10.4, 8th Dec 2017
Rev 2.0: Updates and fixes in documentation for Geant4 Release 10.4, 15th May 2018
Rev 3.0: Geant4 Release 10.5, 11th December 2018
Rev 3.1: Geant4 Updates and fixes - especially to search functionality, 5th March 2019
Rev 4.0: Geant4 Release 10.6, 6th December 2019
Rev 5.0: Geant4 Release 10.7, 4th December 2020
Rev 6.0: Geant4 Release 11.0, 10th December 2021
Rev 7.0: Geant4 Release 11.1, 9th December 2022
Rev 7.1: Geant4 Fixes to http links, 15th July 2023
Rev 8.0: Geant4 Release 11.2, 8th December 2023
Rev 9.0: Geant4 Release 11.3, 6th December 2024