EM Liv
This physics list uses “Livermore” Geant4 electromagnetic physics as built by the G4EmLivermorePhysics
For each particle type, EM models implement several processes. Photons: \(e^-/e^+\) pair production is implemented by the Bethe-Heitler 5D model below 80 GeV and relativistic Bethe-Heitler model above. The Compton scattering are implemented by the Livermore models up to 1 GeV and at high energies by the Klein-Nishina models, respectively. Photo-electric effect and Rayleigh scattering are both handled by Livermore models.
Electrons: multiple Coulomb scattering is handled by the GS model at low energy and by the WentzelVI model at higher energies, which is combined with the single Coulomb scattering model, which is applied for large angle scattering. Bremsstrahlung is implemented by the Seltzer-Berger model below 1 GeV and by the eBremsstrahlungRelModel model at high energies. Ionisation is modelled by the Livermore model.
Other interactions are configured identically as in the G4EmStandardPhysics_option4