Geant4 10.2 - patch-01 Release Notes ------------------------------------ 26 February 2016 List of fixes included in this public patch since the public release 10.2: o Configuration: ------------- + CMake: o Fixed configuration error occurring when using CLHEP- external installation. Addressing problem report #1805. o Updated data-sets to RadioactiveDecay-4.3.1 and G4ENSDFSTATE-1.2.1. + GNUMake: o Added settings for C++ standards in platform specific scripts. o Analysis: -------- + Fixed definition of /analysis/ntuple command directory which was created implicitly with the commands and so defined without a guideline and not deleted. o Externals --------- + zlib: o Fixed compilation warnings on clang-3.7 compiler. o Geometry: -------- + magnetic-field: o Fix for spin tracking of particles with negative magnetic moment. Addressing problem report #1831. + navigation: o Relaxed condition for zero or almost-zero steps in G4ReplicaNavigation and G4Navigator, to allow for faster progression in case of stuck tracks in 3D scoring meshes. Addressing old problem report #1432. o Fix in G4ReplicaNavigation::ComputeStep() for correct setting of copyNo for particle entering. Fixes issue of negative copyNo observed in nested replica setups. Addressing problem report #1634. o Moved check for overlaps in G4Navigator::ComputeStep() within G4VERBOSE. Addressing problem report #1811. + solids/Boolean: o Minor optimisation in Inside(p) for G4UnionSolid and G4SubtractionSolid. + solids/specific: o Fix in G4GenericTrap for computation of extent. Addressing problem report #1809. Disabled debug warning in SurfaceNormal(). o Correction in G4ExtrudedSolid::AddGeneralPolygonFacets() for precision treatment in construction of tessels to avoid cases of collinear points and consequent degenerating triangles. Addressing problem report #1777. o Use pre-computed kCarToleranceHalf constant in G4ExtrudedSolid, now protected in G4TessellatedSolid. o Global: ------ + Corrected conditions for proper treatment of gcc-5 in tls.hh and G4Threading.hh. + Removed unused and buggy operator=(const G4String&) in G4SubString. + Updated date and version for 10.2.p01. o Graphics Representations: ------------------------ + Use "" instead of <> for internal header inclusion in HepPolyhedronProcessor.h. o Materials: --------- + Fixed rare data-race in G4MaterialPropertiesTable for optical physics. + G4NistMaterialBuilder: added lock to build of new NIST material; needed, as some physics processes may create a new NIST material from worker thread. + G4NistElementBuilder: fixed typo in printout. Addressing problem report #1786. o Particles: --------- + Fixed wrong argument order CreateIon(A,Z,LL,0.0) in G4IonTable to CreateIon(Z,A,LL,0.0). + Fixed setting of mass in decay parent particle. Addressing problem report #1820. + Fixed G4DecayTable::SelectADecayChannel() for decay channels all kinematically forbidden. + In G4IonTable removed static const tolerance and replaced with call to G4NuclideTable; this recovers missed levels when they are closer together than 2 keV. Reverted default value of level tolerance in G4NuclideTable to 1 eV; turn out rounding of excitation energy to avoid potential conservation problems. o Persistency: ----------- + GDML: o Corrected broken URLs and version number to schema. o Physics Lists ------------- + builders: o G4NeutronHPBuilder: corrected name from "NeutronHPInelastic" to "ParticleHPInelastic". + constructors/limiters: o G4ParallelWorldPhysics: fixed process order index for G4ParallelWorldProcess to 9900 to make sure it is registered prior to G4OpBoundaryProcess. + constructors/electromagnetic: o G4EmStandardPhysicsSS: do not compute cross-section tables if experimental Mott cross-section is enabled (this provides a significant increase in CPU, but only in this conditions Mott corrections are valid). + constructors/hadron_elastic: o Added missing hadron elastic for He3 in G4HadronElasticPhysics, using Glauber-Gribov elastic cross-section (Gheisha does not have hadronic - elastic and inelastic - cross-sections for He3). o Processes - Electromagnetic: --------------------------- + dna: o In ionisation models SampleSecondaries(), added protection on energy in case of interpolation method change. + lowenergy: o Fixed inclusion guard in G4LivermorePolarizedPhotoElecticModel.hh. Addressing problem report #1816. o Code cleanup and fixed Coverity defects. + standard: o Fixed cases of floating-point exception in G4ScreeningMottCrossSection. Some code cleanup and performance improvements. o Fixed sampling of scattering angle in G4eSingleCoulombScatteringModel. Addressing problem report #1823. o G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel G4GoudsmitSaundersonTable: updated step limitations. Fixed Coverity defects and improved comments. + utils: o G4EmSaturation: corrected method name from VisibleEnergyDeposition() to VisibleEnergyDepositionAtAStep(), in order to allow overloading of virtual method. Addressing problem report #1807. o G4EmCalculator: fixed computation of dEdx and range for He3 and alpha. Addressing problem report #1808. o G4LossTableManager: avoid double addition of He3 and alpha to the loss table map (should not have any effect on results). + xrays: o G4VTransitionRadiation, G4VXTRenergyLoss: fixed process sub-type. o G4Scintillation: use new method introduced in G4EmSaturation VisibleEnergyDepositionAtAStep() in order to fix overloading problem. o Processes - Generic: ------------------- + biasing: o Code cleanup and Coverity fixes in 'generic' and 'management' modules. + scoring: o G4ParallelWorldProcess: fixed processType from 'fParameterized' to 'fParallel' and set processSubType to 491. + optical: o Fix to DielectricLUT concerning the sequence of rotations. Addressing problem report #1826. o Processes - Hadronic: -------------------- + models/abla: o Fixed bug in de-excitation of boosted nucleon remnants. + models/de_excitation: o G4GammaTransition: added protection against rare problem in sampling of internal conversion when transition energy is lower than atomic level energy: instead of stopping the cascade, set bound level energy to zero and produce final e-; this allows to complete radioactive-decay cascade. Addressing problem report #1806. o G4PhotonEvaporation, G4LevelManager, G4LevelReader, G4NuclearLevelData: fixed remaining cases of production of excited stated. Addressing problem report #1806. o G4PhotonEvaporation, G4LevelReader, G4NucLevel: fixed treatment of X-levels (meta-stable nuclear levels which have forbidden gamma transition but opened beta-transitions); this fix excludes creation of very low-energy fake gamma and provides a correct nuclear decay sequence. o G4PhotonEvaporation: set limit on emitted gamma energy 0.1 keV (was 10 keV). + models/lend: o Fixed problem in prodcution of residual neutrons. o Corrected use of isnan() to std::isnan() for compilers different than Windows/VC++. o Fixed Coverity defects. + models/particle_hp: o Fixes for problem on materials with hydrogen or helium. o Fixed problems in deletion of cross-section data set in MT mode and initialisation of cached data. o Fixed Coverity defects. + models/qmd: o Fixed bug in handling forbidden decay in G4QMDCollision. + models/radioactive_decay: o G4BetaMinusDecay, G4RadioactiveDecay: added protection for case when end point energy is 0 in beta- decay. Addressing problem report #1766. + models/util: o G4KineticTrack: replaced G4cerr with a 'JustWarning' G4Exception. + util: o G4Nucleus: increased the max number of loops allowed in the method GetBiasedThermalNucleus(). o Run: --- + G4PhysicsListHelper: added entry for G4ParallelWorldProcess. + G4RunManager, G4WorkerRunManager: fixed process order index of G4ParallelWorldProcess to 9900 to make sure it is registered prior to G4OpBoundaryProcess. o Tracking: -------- + G4SteppingManager: fix to properly set 'OriginTouchableHandle' for the primary track. Addressing problem report #1773. o Data sets: --------- + Patched data set for nuclides properties G4ENSDFSTATE-1.2.1: o Added missing data for RA228, SI24, SI25 and 193RN. + Patched data set for radioactive-decay, G4RadioactiveDecay-4.3.1: o Replace NaN values for intensity by 1 in z71.a157(Lu157), z55.a136(Cs136) and z59.a129(Pr129). o Examples: -------- + Updated reference outputs. + basic: o Added G4ENSDFSTATEDATA in the lists of mandatory data sets; updated README files. Addressing problem report #1810. o B4: restored the third parameter in G4UIsession construction, which was lost when moving G4UIExecutive at the beginning of main(). Addressing problem report #1802. + extended/biasing/B03: o B03PhysicsList: corrected process order index of G4ParallelWorldProcess to 9900 to make sure it is registered prior to G4OpBoundaryProcess. + extended/electromagnetic: o Fixed macros to allow to work both with Root-5 and 6. + extended/radioactivedecay/rdecay01: o PhysicsList: SetLevelTolerance to 1*eV, there appears to already be a level Ni60[1332.510] stored somewhere instead of Ni60[1332.514]. Setting the tolerance to 1 eV gets the right level. o Improved printout in Run::EndOfRun(). o Updated references in it1.mac and it2.mac. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technical Notes --------------- o This patch should be applied on top of release 10.2. o Technical notes distributed for release 10.2 are also applicable and valid for this patch. The code and rebuilt binary libraries for release 10.2.p01 are available through our "Download" Web page. Please refer to the Geant4 User Documentation for further information about using Geant4.