Geant4 9.3 - patch-01 Release Notes ----------------------------------- 9 April 2010 List of fixes included in this public patch since the public release 9.3: o Configuration: ------------- + Configure script: o Corrected settings of LD_LYBRARY_PATH for CLHEP for the case of static libraries build selection (path was set only for the dynamic libraries case...). o Corrected detection of Qt modules on MacOSX. Addressing problem report #1095. + binmake.gmk: removed extra space characters in definition of TARGOBJEXT, fixing issue with target for main() not being rebuilt according to dependencies change. Addressing problem report #1098. o Event: ----- + Minor changes to G4GeneralParticleSourceMessenger to now use full range of predefined units for length, energy and angle. + Fixed gcc-4.4.0 compilation warning message for non-initialised variable in G4SPSEneDistribution. o Geometry: -------- + management: o Fixed initialisation of min/max extent for mother and target volumes in method BuildNodes() of G4SmartVoxelHeader. + navigation: o Avoid unnecessary creation of debug string in G4PropagatorInField. Also printout reformatting. + solids/specific: o Adopt caching of Phi in G4PolyconeSide and G4PolyhedraSide to avoid unnecessary consecutive computations on the same point. o Use kInfinity for initialising minimum and maximum allowed extent for G4SolidExtentList of faceted solids. + volumes: o Adopt assign() within copy-constructor of G4NavigationHistory. Should provide slight performance improvement. o Global: ------ + G4PhysicsLogVector, G4PhysicsLnVector, G4PhysicsLinearVector: preserve values of 'edgeMin' and 'edgeMax' in constructors avoiding recomputation, to avoid precision problem; fixes problem detected on Windows/VC++. + Moved 'mem' pool in G4Allocator to public section, to allow for use of allocator in vectors on Windows/C++. + Changed date for patch-01 to release 9.3. o Materials: --------- + G4OpticalSurface: removed left-over debug test function OverWrite() from header. o Persistency (GDML): ------------------ + Added missing reference attribute in G4GDMLWriteMaterials for dumping of materials property vectors. Increased string buffer in G4GDMLWrite. Addressing problem report #1104. + Corrected import of surface properties in G4GDMLReadSolids for the case of recursive read of files. + Added IsValid() method to parser to verify if variable/constant/quantity is defined and is valid. Added const qualifier to reader accessors in parser. o Low-energy Electromagnetic Processes: ------------------------------------ + Modified hydrogen correction in G4DNARuddIonisation. + Re-added vapor water shell constants to G4DNARuddIonisationModel and modified electron correction. + Extended low energy cover of G4DNA charge change processes + Improved way of testing material in Geant4-DNA models. + Fixed initialisation of 'atomTotalCrossSection' in G4hShellCrossSectionDoubleExp. o Standard Electromagnetic Processes: ---------------------------------- + High Energy: o G4mplIonisation: fixed IsApplicable() method, now returning always "true". Addresses a problem report by CMS about crashes in the case when several types of monopoles are instantiated. + Standard: o G4CoulombScatteringModel: added comments to relativistic formula. o G4eCoulombScatteringModel: added method SetLowEnergyLimit(). o G4CoulombScattering: removed inlined method SetBuildTableFlag() hiding implementation in the base class. o G4PolarizedComptonScattering: added message for obsolete process. o Use data for Oxygen (G4_O) from ICRU'49 instead NIST for alpha stopping power. Fixes problem of data corruption when such material is used. + Utils: o G4EmCorrections: added protection against large Barkas and Bloch corrections in the case of large negatively charged particle (Q^2 > 50); addresses problem of simulation of highly charged exotic particles reported by ATLAS. o Code cleanup in G4EmCalculator. o G4VEmProcess: added protection against negative cross section. Moved SetBuildTableFlag() method from protected to public. Fixed problem for ion processes by adding pointer to 'currentParticle' which may be different from generic ion. o G4VEnergyLossProcess: added protection against negative cross section, and improved logic in RetrieveTable() method. o Reordered inline methods and improved comments in classes G4VEmModel, G4VEmProcess, G4VEnergyLossProcess, G4VMultipleScattering and G4LossTableManager. o Hadronic Processes: ------------------ + cross_sections: o G4CrossSectionDataSetRegistry: do not pop_back vector of pointers when deregistering cross-section data set; addresses problem detected on Windows/VC++. o G4UPiNuclearCrossSection: fixed bug for high Z (>83) atoms. o Cache computation of std::pow() in GetCaptureCrossSection() method of G4HadronCrossSections, avoiding repeated calls with same argument. + models/cascade: o G4InteractionCase: minor change in initialisation in constructor to allow for porting on C++0x Standard. + models/CHIPS: o Correction of mass in G4Quasmon, and fix of memory corruption in mass calculation; o Tuning of parameters and fixed bug in CHIPS fragmentation. + models/de_excitation: o G4ExcitationHandler: activated Fermi-BreakUp by setting limits to the default values (Z=9 and A=17) for this model. + models/high_energy: o Fixed segmentation fault in G4HEKaonZeroLongInelastic and G4HEKaonZeroShortInelastic due to local instantiation and subsequent deletion of the K0 and anti-K0 models. As added feature, the production of K0 and anti-K0 outside the nucleus is now prohibited. + models/management: o G4HadronicInteractionRegistry: do not pop_back vector of pointers when deregistering cross-section data set; addresses problem detected on Windows/VC++. + models/neutron_hp: o Add 'Ignore' and 'Enable' methods for on-flight Doppler broadening in G4NeutronHPElasticData, G4NeutronHPInelasticData and G4NeutronHPCaptureData, which can now be set from the physics-lists. + models/pre_equilibrium: o Added protections for numerical computations to G4PreCompoundEmission. o Generic Processes: ----------------- + Cuts: o Fix in G4ProductionCutTable to solve problems with zero range for protons. + Optical: o Fixed problem of initialization of 'PropertyPointers', now set to NULL at the start of PostStepDoIt(). Addresses problem report #1094. o Physics Lists: ------------- + QBBC: fixed hadron inelastic configuration; instantiated G4PreCompoundModel and its pointer propagated to all high energy models. Use CHIPS for anti-protons to fix crash in FTF. o Track: ----- + Replace string data member to a pointer in G4VUserTrackInformation for property to indicate type of UserTrackInformation; helps in reducing unnecessary memory churn reported by CMS. + Modified G4VUserTrackInformation::Print() method from pure-virtual to simple virtual. o Tracking: -------- + G4RichTrajectory: Fixed bug in MergeTrajectory(), to not invoke G4Trajectory::MergeTrajectory(). + G4RichTrajectory and G4RichTrajectoryPoint: eliminated spaces in G4AttValue values; G4AttValue() values are "None" for attributes derived from zero pointers. o Visualization: ------------- + gMocren: fixed file-I/O bug in G4GMocrenFileViewer and G4GMocrenIO; fix in G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler to allow for porting on C++0x Standard, also use G4 types in consistent way. Removed debug code with printout. o Examples: -------- + Migrated physics-lists to use particle-based multiple-scattering wherever necessary, and updated reference outputs. + advanced/microbeam: o Added density initialisation in MicrobeamPhantomConfiguration and changed material/density selection. + advanced/microdosimetry: o Disable use of G4UItcsh on Windows. + advanced/underground_physics: o Physics list migrated from LowEnergy processes to the new Livermore models. Physics results unchanged for gamma/e-. Possible differences with ions/protons. o Corrected analysis-manager to solve a problem with the HBOOK output files (ntuples not filled, histograms not saved). Get rid of a warning message and allocation problems with ntuple2. + extended/field/field04: o Fixed compilation error on Windows in F04RunAction. + extended/hadronic/Hadr01: o Fixed problem of counting of particles leaked from the target. o When PhysList defined via PHYSLIST environment variable still make local PhysList messenger available to avoid crash in old macro. + extended/optical/wls: o Added missing initialization macro o Replaced use of 2*M_PI with CLHEP::twopi. + extended/persistency/gdml/G01: o Added printout of associated auxiliary information value. o Corrected typo in replicated.gdml file. + extended/persistency/gdml/G03: o Disable use of G4UItcsh on Windows. + extended/visualization/userVisAction: o Introduced G4UIExecutive. + novice/N02: o Correction in DetectorConstruction::SetMagField() to invoke fpMagField->SetMagFieldValue(). + novice/N03: o visTutor: corrected exN03Vis14.mac and exN03Vis15.mac to enable visualization of tracks and removed redundancy; updated gui.mac adding missing macros and correcting order; corrected comments wherever necessary. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technical Notes --------------- o This patch should be applied on top of relese 9.3. o Technical notes distributed for release 9.3 are also applicable and valid for this patch. The code and rebuilt binary libraries for release 9.3 are available through our "Download" Web page: Please refer to the Geant4 User Documentation: for further information about using Geant4.