No Matches
Category "runAndEvent"

Examples in this directory demonstrate the use of some features in Run and Event categories. Since these categories are on the top of hierarchy of Geant4 structure to control the full functionarities of Geant4, some examples contain features in other categories such as Tracking, Track, Particles, Detector responces, and even some cases Geometry and Processes.


This example demonstrates how to connect the information between primary particles and hits. It also utilizes some user-information classes.


This example demonstrates how to accumulate the physics quantities such as energy deposition and dose for a run. It also demonstrates the use of primitive scorers.


This example demonstrates how to use UI-command base scoring. It create parallel world(s) for defining scoring mesh(es).


This example demonstrates how to define layered mass geometry in a parallel world and use it in a simulation.


Defines a simplified collider detector setup. Demonstrates interfacing to the PYTHIA primary generator. Includes the definition of a 'readout' geometry. Exercises event filtering using the stacking mechanism. Includes visualization.
It was moved in extended examples from novice/N04 with removal of novice examples.


Implements three simplified sandwitch calorimeters. Shows how to modify part of the geometry setup at run-time. Includes detector description parameterisation by materials. Demonstrates sharing of a sensitive detector definition for different sub-detectors. Defines different geometrical regions with different production thresholds. Shows customization of the G4Run.
It was moved in extended examples from novice/N07 with removal of novice examples.


Based on extended/electromagnetic/TestEm3, this example demonstrates how to register specialized tracking managers for a particle or a set of particles.

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