No Matches
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26#include "G4MPIutils.hh"
27#include <iostream>
28#include <cstdlib>
29#include <algorithm>
30#include <functional>
31#include <assert.h>
32#include <utility>
33#include "globals.hh"
38 std::vector<G4mpi::rank_t>& input ) {
39 using namespace G4mpi;
40 //Check validity of input
41 std::sort(input.begin(),input.end());
42 if ( input.size() < 1 || input[0] != 0 ) {
43 G4Exception("G4mpi::buildCommunicationMap(...)","G4mpi001",FatalException,
44 "Empty input or cannot find rank 0 in input.");
45 }
46 //Requested that no duplicates!
47 std::vector<rank_t> copy(input.size());
48 std::copy(input.begin(),input.end(),copy.begin());
49 copy.erase( std::unique(copy.begin(),copy.end()),copy.end());
50 if ( copy != input )
51 {
52 G4Exception("G4mpi::buildCommunicationMap(...)","G4mpi001",FatalException,
53 "There are duplicates in list of input ranks.");
54 }
56 //The final communication map
57 commMap_t mymap;
58 //The communication map key
59 int cycle = 0;
60 //The communication map value
61 std::vector<couple_t> couples;
62 //Start a loop (on cycles) that will break
63 do {
64 //An helper container
65 std::vector<rank_t> receiving;
66 couples.clear();
67 //Loop on all input until there is
68 //at least a couple
69 while ( input.size() > 1 ) {
70 //Sort input in ascending order
71 std::sort( input.begin(),input.end() );
72 //Pop from back of the input a couple
73 const auto& send_ = input.back();
74 input.pop_back();
75 const auto& rec_ = input.back();
76 input.pop_back();
77 //Actually the receiving is not empty,
78 //remember it because we have to add it back
79 receiving.push_back( rec_ );
80 //This is a couple for this cycle
81 couples.push_back( std::make_pair(send_,rec_) );
82 }
83 //Populate final map for this cycle
84 mymap[cycle++]=couples;
85 //Let's put back in the input container the receivers
86 input.insert( input.end() , receiving.begin() , receiving.end() );
87 //Let's continue until there is ony one rank in input (number 0)
88 } while ( input.size()!=1 );
89 return mymap;
92//Test function
93int _testMe(int argc,char** argv) {
94 using namespace G4mpi;
95 unsigned int worldSize = 10;
96 if ( argc > 1 ) worldSize = atoi(argv[1]);
97 unsigned int myRank = worldSize-1;
98 if ( argc > 2 ) myRank = atoi(argv[2]);
99 std::cout<<"World size: "<<worldSize<<std::endl;
101 assert( myRank < worldSize);
102 //MPI function stubs
103 auto MPI_Receive = [](const rank_t& s, const rank_t& r) {
104 std::cout<<"MPI_Receive from: "<<s<<" to "<<r<<std::endl;
105 return 0;
106 };
107 auto MPI_Send = [](const rank_t& s, const rank_t& r) {
108 std::cout<<"MPI_Send from: "<<s<<" to "<<r<<std::endl;;
109 return 0;
110 };
111 auto MPI_Barrier = [] {
112 std::cout<<"MPI_Barrier"<<std::endl;
113 return 0;
114 };
116 //Build the initial network of ranks
117 std::vector<rank_t> ranks(worldSize);
118 for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i<worldSize ; ++i ) {
119 if ( i != 2 )
120 { ranks.push_back(i);
121 } else {
122 ranks.push_back(i);
123 ranks.push_back(i);
124 }
125 }
126 //Remove duplicates
127 ranks.erase( std::unique(ranks.begin(),ranks.end()),ranks.end());
129 //Optimize network trafic
130 if ( ranks.size() == 1 ) {
131 std::cout<<"only one rank, nothing to do"<<std::endl;
132 return 0;
133 }
134 auto comms = G4mpi::buildCommunicationMap( ranks );
135 assert( ranks.size() == 1 && ranks[0] == 0 );
137 std::cout<<"Communiction Map (size: "<<comms.size()<<"):"<<std::endl;
138 for ( const auto& x : comms ) {
139 std::cout<<"Cycle "<<x.first<<": ";
140 for ( const auto& y : x.second ) {
141 std::cout<<y.first<<"->"<<y.second<<", ";
142 }
143 std::cout<<std::endl;
144 }
146 std::cout<<"Simulate communication pattern for rank: "<<myRank<<std::endl;
147 for (const auto& x: comms ) {
148 std::cout<<"Cycle "<<x.first<<std::endl;
149 for ( const auto& y : x.second ) {
150 if ( myRank == y.first ) { MPI_Send(y.first,y.second); }
151 else if ( myRank == y.second ) { MPI_Receive(y.first,y.second); }
152 }
153 //Important: Wait for this cycle to end before going to the next, even if
154 //this rank did not do anything
155 //This is needed to be sure that the redcutions are done correctly
156 MPI_Barrier();
157 }
158 return 0;
161void G4mpi::Merge( std::function<void(unsigned int)> senderF ,
162 std::function<void(unsigned int)> receiverF,
163 std::function<void(void)> barrierF ,
164 unsigned int commSize ,
165 unsigned int myrank) {
166 //Optimize communications between ranks
167 std::vector<G4mpi::rank_t> ranks(commSize);
168 std::iota(ranks.begin(),ranks.end(),0); //{0,1,2,3,...}
169 auto comms = G4mpi::buildCommunicationMap(ranks);
170 //Loop on cycles of communications
171 for ( const auto& cycle : comms ) {
172 //Each cycle is a set of communications between ranks, it is guarantted that
173 //each rank participate in one and only one communication for each cycle
174 for (const auto& pattern : cycle.second ) {
175 //pattern is a couple: sender,receiver
176 if ( myrank == pattern.first ) {
177 //Send to destination
178 senderF(pattern.second);
179 }
180 else if ( myrank == pattern.second ) {
181 //Receive from source
182 receiverF(pattern.first);
183 }
184 }
185 //Important: Wait for this cycle to end before going to the next, even if this rank
186 //did not do anything
187 //This is needed to be sure that the redcutions are done correctly
188 barrierF();
189 }
int _testMe(int argc, char **argv)
Definition G4MPIutils.cc:93
void Merge(std::function< void(unsigned int)> senderF, std::function< void(unsigned int)> receiverF, std::function< void(void)> barrierF, unsigned int commSize, unsigned int myrank)
commMap_t buildCommunicationMap(std::vector< rank_t > &input)
std::map< int, std::vector< couple_t > > commMap_t
Definition G4MPIutils.hh:50
unsigned int rank_t
Definition G4MPIutils.hh:45

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