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27/// \file GB06BOptnSplitAndKillByImportance.hh
28/// \brief Definition of the GB06BOptnSplitAndKillByImportance class
30#ifndef GB06BOptnSplitAndKillByImportance_hh
31#define GB06BOptnSplitAndKillByImportance_hh 1
33#include "G4VBiasingOperation.hh"
34#include "G4ParticleChange.hh"
35#include "G4ParticleChangeForNothing.hh"
36#include "G4TouchableHandle.hh"
38#include <map>
43 // -- Constructor :
45 // -- destructor:
49 // ----------------------------------------------
50 // -- Methods from G4VBiasingOperation interface:
51 // ----------------------------------------------
52 // -- Unused:
53 virtual const G4VBiasingInteractionLaw*
55 G4ForceCondition& ) final
56 {return 0;}
57 virtual G4VParticleChange*
59 const G4Track*,
60 const G4Step*,
61 G4bool& ) final
62 {return 0;}
64 // -- Used methods ("non-physics biasing methods"):
65 // ------------------------------------------------
66 // -- Method to return the distance or the condition under which
67 // -- requesting the biasing.
68 // -- Here we use the condition "forced" and the distance returned
69 // -- is "dummy" (DBL_MAX).
70 virtual G4double
72 G4double,
73 G4ForceCondition* condition ) final;
74 // -- Method the generate the final state, which is:
75 // -- - made of the primary with half of its original weight, and a clone of it in
76 // -- case of splitting
77 // -- - the primary with increased weight or the primary killed, in case of killing
78 virtual G4VParticleChange*
80 const G4Step* ) final;
82 // -- Specific to this example:
83 // ----------------------------
84 // -- The parallel world index refers to the index in the list of parallel worlds
85 // -- handled by the G4ParallelGeometriesLimiterProcess intance:
86 void SetParallelWorldIndex( G4int parallelWorldIndex )
87 { fParallelWorldIndex = parallelWorldIndex; }
89 { return fParallelWorldIndex; }
90 // -- Method to set the biasing shared data, they contain many
91 // -- of the information we need related to parallel geometry:
93 { fBiasingSharedData = sharedData; }
94 // -- Set the importance map to be used:
95 void SetImportanceMap( std::map< G4int, G4int >* importanceMap )
96 { fImportanceMap = importanceMap; }
102 G4TouchableHandle fPreStepTouchableHistory;
103 G4TouchableHandle fPostStepTouchableHistory;
106 std::map< G4int, G4int >* fImportanceMap;
const G4BiasingProcessSharedData * fBiasingSharedData
virtual G4VParticleChange * GenerateBiasingFinalState(const G4Track *, const G4Step *) final
void SetBiasingSharedData(const G4BiasingProcessSharedData *sharedData)
virtual G4VParticleChange * ApplyFinalStateBiasing(const G4BiasingProcessInterface *, const G4Track *, const G4Step *, G4bool &) final
void SetImportanceMap(std::map< G4int, G4int > *importanceMap)
virtual G4double DistanceToApplyOperation(const G4Track *, G4double, G4ForceCondition *condition) final
virtual const G4VBiasingInteractionLaw * ProvideOccurenceBiasingInteractionLaw(const G4BiasingProcessInterface *, G4ForceCondition &) final

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