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27/// \file Par02PrimaryParticleInformation.cc
28/// \brief Implementation of the Par02PrimaryParticleInformation class
35 G4int aPartID, G4int aPDG, G4ThreeVector aMomentum ) :
36 fPartID( aPartID ), fPDG( aPDG ), fMomentumMC( aMomentum ),
37 fMomentumTracker( 0 ), fResolutionTracker( 0 ), fEfficiencyTracker( 0 ),
38 fPositionEMCal( 0 ), fEnergyEMCal( 0 ), fResolutionEMCal( 0 ), fEfficiencyEMCal( 0 ),
39 fPositionHCal( 0 ), fEnergyHCal( 0 ), fResolutionHCal( 0 ), fEfficiencyHCal( 0 ) {}
48 G4cout << "Par02PrimaryParticleInformation: PDG code " << fPDG << G4endl
49 << "Particle unique ID: " << fPartID << G4endl
50 << "MC momentum: " << fMomentumMC << G4endl
51 << "Tracker momentum: " << fMomentumTracker << G4endl
52 << "Tracker resolution: " << fResolutionTracker << G4endl
53 << "Tracker efficiency: " << fEfficiencyTracker << G4endl
54 << "EMCal energy: " << fEnergyEMCal << " at " << fPositionEMCal << G4endl
55 << "EMCal resolution: " << fResolutionEMCal << G4endl
56 << "EMCal efficiency: " << fEfficiencyEMCal << G4endl
57 << "HCal energy: " << fEnergyHCal << " at "<< fPositionHCal << G4endl
58 << "HCal resolution: " << fResolutionHCal << G4endl
59 << "HCal efficiency: " << fEfficiencyHCal << G4endl;
Definition of the Par02PrimaryParticleInformation class.
G4double fEnergyHCal
An energy deposited in the hadronic calorimeter.
G4ThreeVector fMomentumTracker
A particle momentum at the entrance to the tracking detector.
G4ThreeVector fPositionEMCal
A position of the energy deposited in the electromagnetic calorimeter.
G4ThreeVector fMomentumMC
A particle initial momentum (from particle generator).
Par02PrimaryParticleInformation(G4int aID, G4int aPDG, G4ThreeVector aMomentum)
A constructor.
G4double fEfficiencyHCal
The efficiency of the hadronic calorimeter.
virtual void Print() const
Prints the information about the particle.
G4double fResolutionHCal
The resolution of the hadronic calorimeter.
G4double fEfficiencyEMCal
The efficiency of the electromagnetic calorimeter.
G4double fEnergyEMCal
An energy deposited in the electromagnetic calorimeter.
G4double fEfficiencyTracker
An efficiency of the tracking detector.
G4double fResolutionEMCal
The resolution of the electromagnetic calorimeter.
G4ThreeVector fPositionHCal
A position of the energy deposited in the hadronic calorimeter.
G4double fResolutionTracker
A resolution of the tracking detector.

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