Geometry Work Plan for 2001
Version 1.0
NOTE: Any dates assigned to items are to be considered just indicative.
- Items marked withrefer to new developments.
- Items marked withwill involve new man-power or contribution from external sources interested in the project.
- Items marked withwill require coordination with more than one Working Group.
- Items marked with (*) may or may not be achieved.
- Navigator and Volumes:
- reference counted touchables
- replica navigation
- reference counted touchables
- Magnetic Field:
- handling magnetic-field per volume
- general consolidation and stability: energy in electromagnetic field
- improve unit tests
- handling magnetic-field per volume
- CSG solids:
- reflection of solids (G4ReflectedSolid)
- general consolidation (CalculateExtent, testing)
- code review
- reflection of solids (G4ReflectedSolid)
- BREPS code review and testing
- STEPinterface module: class-1 descriptors, association-relationship entities
- STEP: evaluate alternatives to NIST STEP Reader
Full migration to STL
- Software Process Improvement
- Review of use-cases and requirements
Generate detailed URD for geometry domain. Estimated time: 1 month - Update existing design diagrams
From existing MDL files: review new developments and design changes, convert to UML notation, generate new diagrams to update web documents and User’s Guide. Estimated time: 1 month - Enforce adoption of processes for traceability. Estimated time: 1 month
- Generate map of unit tests classes/functionalities use cases
- Generate map of system tests use cases
- Adoption of History logging, CVS logs, regular tagging by distinguishing bug-fix activities from new development, start from design documents when new developments or interface changes are introduced
- Review of use-cases and requirements
- Geometry group’s web page
- Create group’s web page to keep track of activities and post any useful information. Estimated time: 1 week
- Software Process Improvement
- Traceability:
- Generate map of unit tests classes/functionalities use cases
- Generate map of system tests use cases
- Routine activities
- Testing suite for solids (CSG/specific/Boolean/BREPS)
- Extend SBT/Fred to all solids, possible improvement in the area of graphics/GUI
- Improve testing and documentation
(1) First semester
(2) Second semester
Created: 31 January 2001
Modified: 10 March 2001