Hadronic Physics


The hadronic physics working group develops and maintains the processes, models and cross sections required for hadronic interactions in Geant4.
The physics scope of the group includes purely hadronic interactions, radioactive decay, and gamma-nuclear and lepto-nuclear interactions.
Validation of hadronic physics is also an important part of this working group.
Working group meetings are held every month, typically on the third Wednesday at 16:00 (CET); these meetings are generally restricted to the members of the working group, but external members can be invited to present or discuss results related to the hadronic physics of Geant4.
For any question concerning Geant4 hadronic physics, it is recommended to use the User Forum (by checking first if a similar question has been already asked, else by posting the question) - so that many users and developers can share their expertise or benefit from the discussion.
For other matters - e.g. if you are interested to contribute to the Geant4 hadronic physics - please contact the working group coordinator.

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