OpenGL drivers
- Migration to Qt6 (1)
- Adapt to newer OpenGL versions, exploit new functionalities and replace deprecated calls such as glBegin/glEnd - (2)/(*)
- Improvements to toolbar in OpenGL Qt - (1)
- Improvements on sceneTree (1/2)
- Rubberband picking (*)
- Fix issue with parametrized volumes (*)
Vtk driver
- Fully develop for medical applications (large renderings) (*)
- Have a generic output format to interact with major application (GDML, VRML, VTK, GL(TF/B), USDZ) (*)
- Make a form of abstract file driver (mesh, instaces etc) (*)
- Work on finishing VTK driver (1/2)
- Rationalise VTK CMake (1/2)
Other drivers
- Open Inventor:
- Refinements and extensions to the Open Inventor Qt Viewer (1/2).
- Work on reference path to move thru the geometry (*)
- Improve the use/install Coin library (*)
- Interaction OI viewer / UI Qt (*)
- iOS and Android Devices: Develop visualization solutions for these devices (*)
- Qt3D:
- Improvements to native Qt driver (Qt3D) (*)
- tools_sg:
- tools_sg (TSG) driver based on g4tools (*) (under development; offers rendering on native systems such as Apple/Metal)
- Z Buffer driver (2)
- Be able to change to color map according to a preset (2/*)
- Provide 2min videos for each viewer (2) (*)