ELECTROMAGNETIC WORKING GROUP plan of activity for 2011 ======================================================
(1) - June 2011 (2) - December 2011 (?) - manpower not yet assigned [LE] - in collaboration with the Low-energy EM working group [HAD]- in collaboration with the Hadronic working group [GEO]- in collaboration with the Geometry and Transport working group [MAT]- in collaboration with the Generic processes and materials working group [!] - part of the Collaboration goal
1) Validation and verification of EM physics:
- continue detailed comparison of Standard, Livermore and Penelope models [LE] (1/2)
- adding extra automatic tests on low-energy hadron scattering (?)
- adding ILC (including CALICE) calorimeter tests (2)
- adding test on fluctuation of energy loss at moderate energies (?)
- improve and extend validation web interface (?)
- study on muon and synchrotron radiation backgrounds for accelerator applications of Geant4 (2)
- establish automatic running of the CPU benchmark (1)
- adding fully automatic test of ranges (?)
- adding extra test on low-energy electron ionisation [LE] (1)
- CPU performance study and investigate variants to speedup LHC simulation (2)
2) Material category development:
- introduce “base material” approach as a first step to variable density approach [LE, MAT] (1) !
- adding extra data on molecule levels [LE, MAT] (2)
- review and upgrade of G4SandiaTable [MAT] (2)
- redesign the G4MaterialPropertyVector class interfaces for G4Scintillation and optical processes to employ spline interpolation to empirical input [MAT] (1)
3) EM infrastructure update:
- adding interface to differential cross sections [MAT + LE] (2)
- provide range computations inside G4EmCalculator (2)
- Automatic treatment of process ordering parameters in physics lists (1) !
4) Further update of ionization processes:
- review and improvements for ion ionisation model for high and moderate energies (1)
- providing usage of “base material” approach (1)
- review of the PAI model implementation (2)
- new model of delta-electron production based on ICRU’52 data (2)
5) Further development of the processes of multiple and single scattering:
- further development of WentzelVI model (1)
- further development of Goudsmit-Saunderson model (1)
- establish more effective sampling of displacement in Urban model (2) - DONE
- hadron multiple scattering coherent with hadron diffuse model (2)
- review of design and implementation of the interface to geometry for treatment of lateral displacement [GEO] (2)
6) Bremsstrahlung and gamma-conversion models:
- derive new parametrisation for Std Bremsstrahlung (below 1 GeV) using existing data for all materials (1)
- providing example for ultra-relativistic gamma-conversion model (?)
- updated gamma-conversion model at low-energies (?)
7) Improved implementation of photon processes
- improved X-rays fluorescence sampling in photo-electric model (1)
- improved Compton scattering model with Doppler broading (1)
8) Polarisation
- implementation spin precession in magnetic field using Stokes vectors representation (?)
9) Improvements in high energy processes
- migration of mu+mu- production processes to model design (?)
10) X-ray production processes
- Improved sampling of X-ray spectrum of Cerenkov (1)
11) Optical photon physics
- Extension to the unified surface model to have both specular and diffuse components for the transmitted photons (?)
- Implementation of a more flexible micro facet sampling method for optical surfaces (?)
- Extend some of the boundary process implementation to X-rays (?)
- Modeling of optical transport in a volume that has different optical treatments on different sides (?)
12) User support, communications and publications
- Communicate with LHC experiments and providing supports as a first priority
- Providing support for medical and space users
- Working with HyperNews forums
- Participation in international conferences and workshops
- Providing tutorial courses
- Providing support and perform common validation for adjoint models