2023 Milestones


Plan of activity for 2023

(1) - June 2023
(2) - December 2023
(.) - manpower is not identified

1) Infrastructure and general support for EM physics

  • Conduct regular execution and regression analysis using the existing testing suites (1/2)
  • Maintenance of EM libraries (1/2)
  • Reduce number of calls to environment variables (1)
  • Apply clang-tidy and clang-format to EM classes (1)
  • Extend functionality of combined processes - gamma general, Woodcock tracking, electron general, transportation with multiple scattering (1/2)
  • Evaluate possibility for user to define production thresholds instead of cut in range - ALICE request (1)

2) Extended functionality of G4HepEm package

  • Refactor some of the data structures in G4HepEm, especially the macroscopic cross sections: move from plain arrays to more structured data (1)
  • Configuration per detector region: e.g. provide the possibility to use different MSC stepping in different detector regions (as used by CMS) (1/2)
  • Add the missing gamma- and lepto-nuclear cross section and implement connection layer for tracks from G4HepEm to native Geant4 tracking for sampling of final state of nuclear processes (1/2)
  • Implement the “general process”-like handling of the macroscopic cross sections (1/2)
  • Implement the possibility of Woodcock tracking of gamma per region (1/2)
  • Extend and optimize tracking algorithms per particle type (1/2)
  • Validate developed library for ATLAS and CMS (1/2)
  • Maintain the entire physics on GPU for AdePT GPU based EM shower simulation R&D project (1/2)

3) Developments for LHC and other HEP experiments

  • Further development on EM models for beam transport and interactions in bending crystals (1/2)
  • Develope methods for simulation of inverse Compton scattering (2)
  • Provide an option to use EPICS-2017 data for standard gamma processes (1)
  • Further development and validation of polarized EM models (1/2)
  • Introduce bremsstrahlung on atomic electrons at high and moderate energies with triplet production (.)
  • Migrate polarisation example to the MT mode (.)

4) Updates of low-energy EM models

  • Using EPICS2017 cross section in G4LowEPComptonModel, improve description of Compton profile (1/2)
  • Provide ionization cross-sections for 0.1 to 100 MeV for Li, C and O ions based on ECPSSR (2)
  • Deployment of the model of three gamma annihilation (2)
  • Maintenence of ANSTO PIXE data (1/2)
  • Improve implementation of MicroElec models for electrons, protons, and ions and extend list of materials (1/2)
  • Extend validation of MicroElec models, addition of a new example to study depth dose profile and another example for SEU simulation (1/2)
  • Evaluate rare isotope EM interactions with matter and polarization effects (1/2)

5) G4-Med developments

  • Validation of EM and hadronic models for medical applications (1/2)
  • Extend the study on the effect of step size and cut limits to simulation at sub-micron volumes (1/2)

6) Optical photon and X-ray physics

  • Maitenence and optimisation of optical classes (1/2)
  • Continue integration of Opticks package, provide example of optical processes implemented on GPU and other processes at CPU (1/2)
  • Implement X-ray refraction and reflection (2)

7) DNA physics and chemistry developments

  • Improve DNA physics models for ions (1)
  • Implement and validat electron physics models in dexorybose and phosphate below 1 MeV (1/2)
  • Extension of validation of DNA physics and chemistry (1/2)
  • Further development of multi-scale platfom for DNA physics and chemistry (1/2)
  • Extension and benchmarking of electron models based on dielectric response function up to 10 MeV (1/2)
  • Develop Geant4-DNA model for electron interactions in atmosphere (1/2)
  • Development of electron models for propane (1/2)
  • Validation of human normal and malignant cell irradiation with ion species for estimation of RBE dependence on LET and evaluation of DSB as a function of post-irradiation time (1/2)
  • Implement a new model for the Gold target (1/2)