2025 Milestones


Plan of activity for 2025

1) Infrastructure and general support for EM physics

  • Perform regular execution and regression analysis using existing testing suites.
  • Perform regular execution and regression analysis using existing testing suites.
  • Maintenance of EM libraries.
  • Provide parallel initialisation of EM physics.
  • Provide option to enable/disable fluctuations per G4Region (ATLAS request).
  • Delta assessment of R&D on GPU end of March.

2) Extended functionality of G4HepEm package

  • Configuration per detector region: e.g. provide the possibility to use different MSC stepping in different detector region (as used by CMS).
  • Add the missing gamma- and lepto-nuclear cross section and implement connection layer for tracks from G4HepEm to native Geant4 tracking for sampling of final state of nuclear processes.
  • Implement the “general process“ like handling of the macroscopic cross sections.
  • Implement the possibility of Woodcock tracking of gamma photons.
  • Extend and optimize tracking algorithms per particle type.
  • Validate developed library for ATLAS and CMS.
  • Maintain the entire physics on GPU for AdePT GPU based EM shower simulation R&D project.

3) Developments for LHC and other HEP experiments

  • Experimental validation and update of G4ChannelingFastSimModel, G4BaierKatkov and G4CoherentPairProduction models.
  • Implementation of new examples of applications in oriented crystals including crystalline undulator and positron source.
  • Implementation of a ML model trained on Particle-in-Cell simulations of laser-driven plasma wake field acceleration.
  • Development methods for simulation of inverse Compton scattering.
  • Provide an option to use EPICS-2017 data for Compton scattering.
  • Validate new 5D generators for muon pair production.
  • Validate 3-gamma annihilation models for different EM physics lists.
  • Integration of polarization and quantum entanglement effects in cascade gammas and π0 decay gammas.

4) Updates of low-energy EM models

  • New example for Microelec.
  • Investigations of models mor ion-plasma stopping powers.
  • Maintenance and refinement of polarised/non-polarised Compton models

5) G4-Med developments

  • Validation of EM and hadronic models for medical applications.

6) Optical photon and X-ray physics

  • Maintenance and optimisation of optical classes.
  • Introduce model approach into Cerenkov, Scintillation, and WLS processes, which will be activated for logical volumes.
  • Allow specification of border surfaces by material or logical volume.
  • Implement a new Cerenkov model valid for thin materials.
  • A new extended example based on publication ion Cerenkov spectrometer.
  • Introduce spline fitting to the spectra inputs for optical physics.
  • Complete the X-ray Bragg reflection on a cylindrical lens.
  • New GammaKnife example for the latest Esprit model.
  • Implement medium with photons and thermal-photon inverse Compton scattering inside TestEm16.
  • Implementation of an extended example to illustrate the use of the Inverse Compton Scattering event generator.
  • Implementation of X-ray refraction processes.

7) DNA physics and chemistry developments

  • Improve DNA physics models for ions.
  • Integrate of a new models for Li ions (UCSF team)
  • Carbon ions implementation in Geant4-DNA.
  • Study of optimal energy overlap between G4-DNA RPWBA and Born model.
  • Development of the physics and physic-chemical stage for e- and e+ interactions with gaseous N2, O2, CO2.
  • Update the chemistry module: IRT-syn model and mesoscopic model.
  • Remove dependence of DNA sub-library from analysis sub-library.
  • Human normal and malignant cell irradiations with different ion species in order to estimate RBE dependence on LET and valuation of DNA DSB followed as a function of post-irradiation time. Obtained results in vitro will be compared with numerical simulations.
  • Implementing molecular excitation cross-section model and validation.
  • Provide an example of mixed G4DNA and hadronic physics.
  • Implementation of cellular oxygen chemistry in G4DNA chemistry options.
  • Validation of physics list for radiation dosimetry standards in metrology field.
  • Implementation of the Relativistic Option 4 electron inelastic model.
  • Benchmarking simulations using the relativistic version of DNA_Option4 as inelastic with ELSEPA elastic model and comparison with Uehara elastic model.
  • Benchmarking and validation of the new inelastic models for gold material within the relativistic plane wave Born approximation up to 1 MeV.
  • Radio enhancement studies for gold nanoparticles with the newly developed dielectric relativistic models for gold.
  • Prototype of software for the simulation of water radiolysis under multi-pulse irradiation.
  • Development of the default Geant4-DNA physics constructor.