Group members
The electromagnetic (EM) physics working group develops and maintains Geant4 sub-packages for simulation of electromagnetic interactions of charged particles, gammas and optical photons. The validity range of models is from threshold to 10 PeV. The “standard” physics approaches are optimal for high and medium energy applications. The “low-energy” sub-library is developed for low-energy applications. The group is maintaining also components for reference Physics Lists and a number of extended examples. The EM working group actively develops physics models and corresponding software for High Energy Physics applications, first of all for experiments at LHC (CERN). In June 2019, the former low-energy electromagnetic physics working group joined the EM group and continues development and support for various applications of Geant4. Part of the EM working group members are active developers of the Geant4-DNA project for the simulation of biological effects of radiation. Another part are members of the Geant4 medical physics benchmarking group (G4MSBG), which was created for consolidation of the Geant4 testing system for medical physics applications. The EM group is also working in close collaboration with ESA-ESTEC on space science applications of Geant4.
Mailing list:
vector prototype
- gamma conversion
- muons
- medical applications
- Geant4-DNA
- medical applications
rare processes
applications for CLIC
- MicroElec
- ionisation
- polarized processes
- validation
- medical applications
- Geant4-DNA
- optical R&D
- MicroElec
gaseous detectors
- medical applications
- G4HepEm
- optical applications
- MicroElec
- optical R&D
- medical applications
- Geant4-DNA
- MicroElec
- Geant4-DNA
- space applications
- validation
- Geant4-DNA
- Penelope models
- Compton scattering
- Geant4-DNA
- Geant4-DNA
- low energy models
- Geant4-DNA
- Geant4-DNA
- Geant4-DNA
- gamma conversion
- medical applications
- Geant4-DNA
- Geant4-DNA
- standard processes
Carmen Maria Villagrasa Canton
- validation
- optics, xrays
- Geant4-DNA
Responsible categories
Suspended Geant4 and Standard Electromagnetic Physics group members
- Jean Jacquemier (LAPP, Annecy, France) - validation
- Rostislav Kokoulin (MEPhI, Moscow, Russia)
- Andreas Schaelicke (Berlin, Germany) - polarisation, bremsstrahlung
Collaborators developed polarized processes (not Geant4 members)
- Karim Laihem (DESY, Zeuthen, Germany)
- Pavel Starovoitov (NCHEP, Minsk, Belarus)
Collaborators developed Coulomb scattering models (not Geant4 members)
- Marcus H. Mendenhall (NIST, Gaithersburg, USA)
- Robert A. Weller (Vanderbuilt University, Nashville, USA)
- Cristina Consolandi (INFN Milano, Italy)
- Pier Giorgio Rancoita (INFN Milano, Italy)
- Mauro Tacconi (INFN Milano, Italy)