Geometry Work Plan for 2004
Version 1.2
NOTE: Any dates assigned to items are to be considered just indicative.
- Items marked withrefer to new developments.
- Items marked withwill involve new man-power or contribution from external sources interested in the project.
- Items marked withwill require coordination with more than one Working Group.
- Items marked with (*) may or may not be achieved.
- Solids and volumes:
- Twisted trapezoid shape
by March 31st, 2004Implement new ‘twisted trapezoid’ specific shape, based on a framework for defining twisted surfaces.
- Reflection of parameterised volumes
by October 31st, 2004Enhance reflection of volumes and hierarchies to handle also parameterised volumes in the tree to be reflected.
- Customisable geometry registration in stores
by September 30th, 2004Provide possibility of customising the registration of the geometry in the stores (volumes, solids), either implementing a notification mechanism or generalizing the implementation of the stores.
- Mixing of placements and parameterized volumes
by October 31st, 2004Introduce possibility of mixing parameterized volumes with placements as daughters in a mother volume.
- Handling of specific overlapping support structures [feasibility study]
by June 30th, 2004Initiate analysis for treatment of complex geometries where overlapping of support structures should be considered (e.g. ATLAS forward calorimeter).
- Enhancements to OLAP tool for detection of overlapping volumes
by March 31st, 2004Provide graphical interface to the stand-alone tool, for easily probing against ovelaps generic geometry setups provided as input.
- BREPS: testing of specific shapes and advanced constructs
by October 31st, 2004Enhance systematic testing of specific BREPs shapes and complete implementation of advanced BREPs generated through curves.
- Twisted trapezoid shape
- Tallies:
- Analysis and design iteration
by June 30th, 2004Provide User Requirements document and first analysis and design iteration for tallies/scoring for radiation studies.
- Analysis and design iteration
- Magnetic field & propagation:
- Tests and enhancement of performance for propagation in field
by May 31st, 2004Complete study on electromagnetic-field tuning of parameters and algorithms used for stepping and integration.
- Tests and enhancement of performance for propagation in field
- I/O persistency:
- Extensions to GDML and new I/O streaming module
by June 30th, 2004Extend GDML (Geometry Description Markup Language) to cover entities not currently implemented in the model, in order to provide full persistency capability for geometry descriptions.
Provide import/export module of GDML files.
- Extensions to GDML and new I/O streaming module
- Robustness checking & performance tuning:
- Categorization of error conditions criticality
by May 31st, 2004Identify and review all possible error conditions in navigation, transportation and solids response. Assign critical level for exceptions to be thrown.
- Improvements in errors diagnostics and verbosity
by May 31st, 2004Provide more information about the impact of different issues on user applications, by improving error conditions to aid in identifying problems reported by users, including in particular problems that occur after significant computing time.
- New bechmark suite for tracking with/without field
by May 31st, 2004Implement a benchmark suite based on a real case application to monitor effects of code changes in the performance, at every new development release.
- Increase of testing coverage
by October 31st, 2004Provide more test-cases to improve coverage of use-cases, following matrix of traceability implemented through point [5].
- Categorization of error conditions criticality
- General code review and improvements:
- Review of consistency in the usage of tolerances (relative and configurable)
by July 31st, 2004Verify coherent usage of relative and absolute tolerances on specific and critical setups of geometry, where errors due to numerical precision have been identified.
Understand limitations of the current approach for treatment of tolerances at boundaries, verify possibility of providing adjustable tuning of absolute tolerance values. - Code review for CSG solids
by July 31st, 2004Verify correct realization of specifications for functionalities and algorithms implemented, to address leading reliability problems reported by users.
Improve existing implementation to facilitate maintainability and reduce code complexity. - Code review for magneticfield and trasportation
by May 31st, 2004Review and verify correct treatment of particles at boundaries between transportation and sensitive physics processes (MSC, ELoss, Optical), in order to minimize possible error conditions in the relocation in volumes.
- Code review for navigators
by May 31st, 2004Investigate causes of navigation errors and revise design/implementation to improve robustness.
Improve existing implementation to facilitate maintainability and reduce code complexity.
- Review of consistency in the usage of tolerances (relative and configurable)
- URD revision:
- Completion of detailed URD document
by March 31st, 2004Complete editing of an up-to-date User Requirements document detailed for geometry use-cases. The document should be complemented by a map testsclasses/functionalitiesuse-cases to help in the process of improving testing coverage.
- Completion of detailed URD document
- Software Process Improvement
- Traceability:
- Generate map of unit tests classes/functionalities use cases
- Generate map of system tests use cases
- Routine activities
- Testing suite for solids (CSG/specific/Boolean/BREPS)
- Extend SBT/Fred to all solids, possible improvement in the area of graphics/GUI
- Improve testing and documentation
(1) First semester
(2) Second semester
Created: 31 January 2004
Modified: 4 February 2004