Geometry Work Plan for 2023

Version 1.0

NOTE: Any dates assigned to items are to be considered just indicative.
- Items marked with refer to new developments.
- Items marked with will involve new man-power or contribution from external sources interested in the project.
- Items marked with will require coordination with more than one Working Group.
- Items marked with (*) may or may not be achieved.

  1. Navigation & optimisation:
    • Separate safety computation and its state from navigator - (1)

      Loose coupling of G4Navigator in the computation of the safety distances from geometrical boundaries, factorising out the implementation now included in G4Navigator class, to get rid of potential side effects.

    • Investigate simplification of touchable implementation - (2)

      Review implementation of touchables for possible optimisation: removal of unused concrete specialisations and inheritance layer.

  2. Field transport:
    • New QSS integration methods (Quantized State Simulation) - (1)

      Alternative integration method which creates adapted polynomials and evaluates the limit of their validity.

    • Review accuracy of boundary crossing in field - (1)/(2)

      Study boundary crossing accuracy when field integration is enabled, reviewing behavior when using current default parameters in typical geometry setups.

  3. Solids modelling:
    • Complete prototype on surface bounded volumes in VecGeom - (2)

      Complete demonstrator with support for all implemented solids in VecGeom, targeting a geometry setup of relative complexity based on a data model for bounded surface description of solids and compare performance/efficiency on accelerators vs. existing implementation in VecGeom.

  • Routine activities
    • Review of user documentation

(1) First semester
(2) Second semester

Created: 28 January 2023
Modified: 1 February 2023