Public Minutes of the 69 th Steering Board Meeting

February 3rd, 2012

Participants : Makoto Asai, Sébastien Incerti, Daniel Elvira, Ivana Hrivnacova, Andrea Dotti, Dennis Wright, Peter Gumplinger, Pablo Cirrone, Marc Verderi, John Allison (OB rep.), Gabriele Cosmo, Gunter Folger, Joseph Perl, Michel Maire, Paul Gueye, Takashi Sasaki, Vladimir Ivantchenko, Koichi Murakami

Excused : Hisaya Kurashige

  1. Regular items – part 1

Approval of minutes of SB meeting of November 22nd, 2011.

  1. G4 computing performance task, tools for profiling and benchmarking

Refinement of function of computing performance task is proposed and agreed. Activity of this task is described in and profiling results are given in The results will be updated for every reference tag, and identified issues will be notice to SB and/or corresponding WG coordinators.

  1. Regular items – part 2

Reviewing of pending actions as of November 2012.

  1. Collaboration census

As of the SB meeting, 98 members have confirmed the membership, with total of 31 FTE.

(Addendum: as of February 14, after some updates, we have 102 collaborators with 31.34 FTE).

  1. Collaboration processes

The 2012 collaboration process is agreed and reminded. Based on the census, number of SB representatives from each WG is agreed to be Hadronics 4, Standard EM 3, Low-E EM 3 (including WG coordinator/deputy) and 1 for each of other WG’s. Election of WG coordinator and other representatives should be made by February 18th. Next SB meeting (February 24th) is a transitional SB meeting. The 2012 work plan will be discussed at the next SB meeting with the new SB membership.

  1. System testing shift

Duties on participating to system testing shift is reminded that each SB member should take at least two one-week shifts. A duty may be delegated to any collaborator. Original assigned SB member has the responsibility for making delegated duty surely take place.

7. AOB

A Geant4 Oversight Board meeting will be held at CERN on February 23rd.

Workshop on Physics, Biology and Medicine Frontier in Bordeaux 2013 is introduced and agreed the collaboration’s commitment.


- NASA/MSFC, AL, USA – April 16-19

- Jefferson Lab, VI USA – July 9-13

Meeting Date

Friday, February 3, 2012 - 12:00