Public Minutes of 134th Steering Board, 29th September 2023Permalink

Present: Gabriele Cosmo, Marc Verderi, Alex Howard, Alberto Ribon, Witek Pokorski, Soon Yung Jun, Laurent Garnier, Koichi Murakami, Ivana Hrivnacova, Krzysztof Genser, Susanna Guatelli, Lorenzo Pezzotti, John Apostolakis, Anna Zaborowska, Mihaly Novak, Shogo Okada, Dmitri Konstantinov, Makoto Asai (OB liaison), Ben Morgan, Vladimir Ivantchenko (number: 20)


1. Collaboration Meeting in Hokkaido University (Japan) on 25-29 September 2023Permalink

  • The Collaboration Meeting was run in parallel of the “Geant4 Training Course in Medicine 2023”.
  • In the same week, a Technical Forum was held, with focus on host’s topic, namely medicine. In the first part, the developers have presented the status of the developments, with respect to the plan of work for 2023. In addition, a proposal has been presented by Ben Morgan to hold a first meeting devoted to Geant4 bindings. The idea is to foster the creation of a community of developers, with collection of needs, common or conflicting requirements, etc., together with a Geant4 guidance on interfaces to be exposed (or not) in these bindings. An open development model could then be adopted to provide these bindings, which could be coded using several languages (eg: Python, Julia). In the second part of the Technical Forum, two presentations from Hokkaido University members were devoted to presentation of research and medical activities on site and related applications of Geant4. Particularly impressing was the Bragg peak localization based on acoustic measurement.
  • The next Collaboration Meeting will be held in Catania, likely in early October 2024 (the exact date is not yet fixed).

2. Regular itemsPermalink

  • The regular items - user requirements, on-going SB actions, bug reports, new publications, CPU and physics performances - were reviewed.

3. Status of the 11.2 releasePermalink

  • The preparation for the coming release is going well, according to plans, and the release is scheduled for December 8th.

4. Improved handling of “Users’ requirements”Permalink

  • A proposal to improve the collection of users’ requirements through various sources has been accepted, and K. Genser has been appointed as leader of this activity.

5. R&D Task Force assessment of the GPU projectsPermalink

  • A Geant4 internal assessment of the GPU projects AdePT and Celeritas is scheduled for 13-14 December 2023. This assessment will provide internal and public conclusions.

6. AOBPermalink

6.1 EventsPermalink

  • Past events:

    • MODE (Machine-learning Optimized Design of Experiments) Workshop, 24-26 July 2023, Princeton University (USA).
  • Next events:

    • Geant4 Advanced Course @ CERN, 16-20 October 2023.

    • Geant4 Space Users Workshop, 5-7 December 2023, Pasadena (USA).

Meeting Date Friday, September 29, 2023 - 14:00