2.3.  Geant4 Build Options

Both Section 2.1 and Section 2.2 give the minimal proceedure to build and install Geant4. Many additional options can be passed to CMake to adjust the way Geant4 is built and installed and to enable optional components.

On the command line, these options may be set by passing their name and value to the cmake command via -D flags, for example

  $ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/geant4 -DGEANT4_USE_GDML=ON /path/to/geant4.10.03

would configure the build of Geant4 for installation under /opt/geant4 and compilation of support for GDML.

In the CMake GUI, the options are listed as textbox entries, and values may be set directly by clicking on the entry for the option and entering the requested information (for example, if a path is required, the GUI will pop up a file browser).

On Unix, CMake also provides a curses based interface, ccmake, which can be used to browse and set options in the terminal. Please see the CMake documentation for more information on this command.

If you have already created a build directory and used CMake to configure the build, you can always rerun CMake in that directory with new options to regenerate the buildscripts (Makefiles or IDE solutions). The curses based ccmake command is very useful in this case for browsing the current configuration and for updating it if required. In the CMake GUI, you should set the Where is the source code: path to that of your source directory, and the Where to build the binaries: path to that of the build directory you wish to reconfigure. You will then need to rebuild and reinstall to pick up the changes. You can also deactivate a previously selected option to remove a component from the build. For example, we could do

  $ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/geant4 -DGEANT4_USE_GDML=OFF /path/to/geant4.10.03

to explicitly remove support for GDML from a build (In the CMake GUI, we would simply uncheck the tick box for GEANT4_USE_GDML). Note however that if you reconfigure to unset an option and rebuild and reinstall, your install may contain files installed by the previously set option (for example headers). In this case, you may wish to build the uninstall target before reconfiguring.

Options are divided into Standard options, which any user or developer can set directly, and Advanced options, which in general are only needed by advanced users, developers or to give very fine control over the build and install. Some options enable components of Geant4 which require external software (as listed in Section 1.2). If these options are enabled, the required software will be searched for, and hence there are also options which control where CMake should look for these packages. If a required software package is not found, then CMake will exit with an error message detailing what was not found.

2.3.1.  Standard Options

We list standard options here in logical order. If you use CMake's curses or GUI interfaces, they will be listed alphabetically.


    • Sets the installation prefix for Geant4. Equivalent to --prefix in Autotools. Its default is platform dependent:

      Unix: /usr/local

      Windows: C:\Program Files\Geant4

      It should be supplied as an absolute path, otherwise CMake will interpret its value relative to your build directory.

      See also the CMAKE_INSTALL_XXXDIR Advanced Options for fine control of installation locations.


    • Controls the type of build, at present only the additional flags passed to the compiler. It defaults to Release which gives a fully optimized build without debugging symbols. The most useful values are:

      Release : Optimized build, no debugging symbols

      Debug : Debugging symbols, no optimization

      RelWithDebInfo : Optimized build with debugging symbols

      Note that if you use a build system which supports multiconfiguration builds (e.g. Xcode, Visual Studio), this variable has no effect. For these systems, all build types are available inside the CMake generated project and can be selected in the tool itself.


    • If set to ON, build Geant4 libraries with support for multithreading. At present, this is only supported on Unix systems.

      REQUIRES: Compiler with support for Thread Local Storage, pthread libraries and headers.


    • Installation directory for Geant4 datasets. It can be supplied as a path relative to CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX or as an absolute path. It is always searched for existing datasets, which if present will be reused.


    • If set to ON, download and install any Geant4 datasets missing from GEANT4_INSTALL_DATADIR. Each dataset will be unpacked and installed in the directory pointed to by GEANT4_INSTALL_DATADIR.

      REQUIRES : A working network connection. It is highly recommended to switch this option on if you have a network connection to give the best integration with application development.


    • If set to ON, build the G4persistency library with support for GDML.

      REQUIRES : Xerces-C++ libraries and headers, see the XERCESC_ROOT_DIR option.


    • If your Xerces-C++ installation is in a non-standard location, set this variable to the root directory of the installation (i.e. the directory containing the include and lib subdirectories for Xerces-C++). If this is not sufficient to locate Xerces-C++, see the Advanced XERCESC_INCLUDE_DIR and XERCESC_LIBRARY options.


    • If set to ON, build the G3ToG4 library for reading ASCII call list files generated from Geant3 geometries.


    • If set to ON, build Qt4/5 User Interface and Visualization drivers.

      REQUIRES : Qt4 or Qt5 and OpenGL libraries and headers. See also the QT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE and CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH options if CMake has trouble locating your Qt installation. Qt5 will be searched for first, and if not found Qt4 will be searched for. This behaviour can be adjusted through the advanced option GEANT4_FORCE_QT4.


    • If your Qt4 installation is in a non-standard location, set this variable to point to the qmake executable of the Qt4 installation you wish to use. If you have a system install on Linux or the binary SDK install on other platforms, Qt4 will in general be found automatically (CMake should also honor the QTDIR environment variable).


    • If your Qt5 installation is in a non-standard location, this variable can be set to point to the root directory where Qt5 is installed. If you have a system install on Linux or binary SDK install on other platforms, Qt5 will in general be found automatically. Note that CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH is not specifically for Qt5 and simply provides CMake with additional locations to search for packages.

  • GEANT4_USE_XM (DEFAULT : OFF, Unix Only)

    • If set to ON, build Motif User Interface and Visualization drivers.

      REQUIRES : Motif and OpenGL libraries and headers. In most cases, these should be found automatically, but if not, see the Advanced MOTIF_INCLUDE_DIR and MOTIF_LIBRARIES options.


    • If set to ON, build the X11 OpenGL visualization driver.

      REQUIRES : X11 and OpenGL libraries and headers.


    • If set to ON, build the Win32 OpenGL visualization driver.

      REQUIRES : OpenGL libraries and headers. If you are using Visual Studio, then this should supply the needed headers and libraries.


    • If set to ON, build the OpenInventor visualization driver.

      REQUIRES : Coin3D Open Inventor implementation, SoXt (Unix) or SoWin (Windows) binding, and OpenGL libraries and headers. CMake will use coin-config and soxt-config if present to locate the Coin3D and SoXt implementation respectively, and will honor the COINDIR environment variable. In case of issues with locating the Inventor implementation, see the Advanced INVENTOR_INCLUDE_DIR, INVENTOR_LIBRARY, INVENTOR_SOXT_INCLUDE_DIR, INVENTOR_SOXT_LIBRARY and INVENTOR_SOWIN_LIBRARY options.

      KNOWN ISSUE : Use of clang compiler and Debug build mode will cause the Inventor driver build to fail with errors relating to Inventor specific debugging functions.


    • If set to ON, build RayTracer visualization driver with X11 support.

      REQUIRES : X11 Headers and Libraries.


    • If set to ON, build Geant4 with an external install of CLHEP. You should not set this unless your usage of Geant4 mandates a specific external CLHEP installation (e.g. if your experiment's software uses CLHEP in other tools and requires consistent use of the same CLHEP across the software). If the CLHEP_ROOT_DIR option is not set, CLHEP will be searched for under standard system paths.

      REQUIRES : CLHEP libraries and headers.


    • If you wish GEANT4 to use a specific installation of CLHEP, set this variable to point to the root install directory of the CLHEP installation you wish to use. This directory should contain the include and lib subdirectories containing the CLHEP headers and library respectively. If this is not sufficient to locate CLHEP, see the Advanced CLHEP_INCLUDE_DIR and CLHEP_LIBRARY options.


    • If set to ON, build Geant4 with an external install of Expat. In this case, the Expat headers and library will be searched for under the standard system paths. If these are not sufficient to locate the required Expat installation, see the Advanced EXPAT_INCLUDE_DIR and EXPAT_LIBRARY options.

      Whilst Expat is installed on the vast majority of systems, it may be missing in certain instances. In these cases, simply switch this option to OFF and Geant4 will build and use its internal version of Expat.

      REQUIRES : Expat library and headers.


    • If set to ON, build Geant4 with an external install of zlib. In this case, the zlib headers and library will be searched for under the standard system paths. If these are not sufficient to locate the required zlib installation, see the Advanced ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR and ZLIB_LIBRARY options.

      REQUIRES : Zlib library and headers.

2.3.2.  Advanced Options

Most builds should never need to touch the advanced options, but should you need more control or CMake has problems locating needed software packages, they can be very helpful. We only list the options and variables most relevent for Geant4. For help on core CMake variables and options, you should consult the Reference Documentation section of the main CMake documentation , and specifically the sections on Variables.

Advanced options are not displayed by default in CMake's curses and GUI interfaces, but can be displayed by pressing t in ccmake, or clicking the 'advanced' check box in the CMake GUI. Note that displaying advanced options will also display a large number of options and variables used by CMake for build configuration and to cache the locations of Third Party packages. On the command line, advanced options and variables can be set like the standard ones listed earlier using -D arguments.


    • If set to ON, build Geant4 Analysis library with support for Freetype font rendering.

      REQUIRES : Freetype libraries and headers.


    • If set to ON, replace Geant4 solids with USolids equivalents. WARNING: the use of USolids is experimental and should be used with caution.

      REQUIRES : USolids library and headers. These will be searched for under the standard system paths. If these are not sufficient to locate the required USolids installation, see the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH variable, which may be used to point CMake to the root directory of the USolids installation.


    • If set to ON, only search for a Qt4 installation. WARNING: This cannot be set after a Qt5 installation has already been found.


    • If set to ON, build Geant4 Wt web based visualization driver. WARNING: this driver is experimental and should be used with caution.

      REQUIRES : Wt libraries and headers, OpenGL libraries and headers, Boost headers and Boost signals library.


    • If set to ON, build network server/client support for DAWN visualization driver. You do not need this to view DAWN files.


    • If set to ON, build network server/client support for VRML visualization driver. You do not need this to view VRML files.


    • Sets the time in seconds allowed for download of each Geant4 dataset. The value can be increased if you are on a slow network connection and require more time to download.

      REQUIRES : a working network connection.


    • Compile Geant4 against given C++ standard ( 11, or 14. Geant4 is written in c++11, and you should use this option if your application requires support for the newer standard. If you set the variable to a standard the compiler does not support, an error will be emitted.

      REQUIRES : C++ Compiler with support for the requested standard.

  • GEANT4_BUILD_TLS_MODEL : (DEFAULT : initial-exec, Unix Only)

    • If building Geant4 with multithreading support, use a specific model for Thread Local Storage ( initial-exec, local-exec, global-dynamic or local-dynamic). If you set the variable to a model unknown to the compiler, an error will be emitted.

      Geant4's default model of initial-exec is chosen to give the best performance under a wide variety of use cases.

      REQUIRES : GEANT4_BUILD_MULTITHREADED set to ON, GNU, Clang or Intel C++ compiler.


    • If set to ON, store trajectories in event processing. It can be switched to OFF to give a degree of performance improvement, but you will not be able to visualize events.


    • If set to ON, build Geant4 libraries with extra verbosity. It can be switched to OFF to give a degree of performance improvement, but you will not have as much information output should you run into problems or need to debug.


    • If set to ON, build all Geant4 example applications using current Geant4 build. WARNING: this option is for Geant4 system testing only and is not intended for use by users studying and working on the examples. No support is, or will be, provided for user builds of the examples using this option.


    • If set to ON, build and run Geant4 testing suites. WARNING: this option is for Geant4 system testing only and is not intended for use by users. No support is, or will be, provided for user builds with this option.

  • GEANT4_BUILD_MSVC_MP : (Windows Only, DEFAULT : OFF)

    • If set to ON, add /MP to CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS to enable file level parallel compilation when using MSVC and MSBuild. Note that this only works when building Geant4 using Visual Studio Solutions.


    • If set to ON build Geant4 shared libraries.


    • If set to ON, build Geant4 static libraries.


    • Installation directory for Geant4 executables. It can be supplied as a path relative to CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX or as an absolute path.


    • Installation directory for Geant4 C/C++ headers. It can be supplied as a path relative to CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX or as an absolute path. The headers will always be installed in a subdirectory of CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR named Geant4.


    • Installation directory for object code libraries. It can be supplied as a path relative to CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX, or an absolute path. When the default is used, SUFFIX will be set to 64 on 64bit Linux platforms apart from Debian systems.


    • Installation directory for read-only architecture-independent data files. It can be supplied as a path relative to CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX, or an absolute path.


    • If set to ON, configure Geant4 to search for and use the Evaluator, Geometry, Random and Vector component libraries of CLHEP rather than the single CLHEP library.

      WARNING: This option should only be used if your project is locked into using the CLHEP granular libraries by other requirements. Use of the single CLHEP library is no different and simplifies the configuration and use of Geant4.


    • If CMake cannot locate your external CLHEP installation, set this to the directory containing the CLHEP headers (e.g. if you have /foobar/CLHEP/Vector/defs.h, then set this to /foobar).


    • If CMake cannot locate your CLHEP installation, set this to the full path to the CLHEP library, e.g. /usr/lib/libCLHEP.so


    • If CMake cannot locate your external EXPAT installation, set this to the directory containing the EXPAT headers (e.g. if you have /foobar/expat.h, then set this to /foobar).


    • If CMake cannot locate your EXPAT installation, set this to the full path to the EXPAT library, e.g. /usr/lib/libexpat.so


    • If CMake cannot locate your external zlib installation, set this to the directory containing the zlib headers (e.g. if you have /foobar/zlib.h, then set this to /foobar).


    • If CMake cannot locate your zlib installation, set this to the full path to the zlib library, e.g. /usr/lib/libz.so


    • If CMake cannot locate your Xerces-C++ installation, set this to the directory containing the Xerces-C++ headers (e.g. if you have /foobar/xercesc/util/XercesVersion.hpp, then set this to /foobar).


    • If CMake cannot locate your Xerces-C++ installation, set this to the full path to the Xerces-C++ library, e.g. /usr/lib/libxerces-c.so


    • If CMake cannot locate your Motif installation, set this to the directory containing the Motif headers (e.g. if you have /foobar/Xm/Xm.h, then set this to /foobar).


    • If CMake cannot locate your Motif installation, set this to the full path to the Motif library, e.g. /usr/lib/libXm.so


    • If CMake cannot locate your OpenInventor installation, set this to the directory containing the Inventor headers (e.g. if you have /foobar/Inventor/So.h, then set this to /foobar).


    • If CMake cannot locate your Inventor installation, set this to the full path to the Inventor library, e.g. /usr/lib/libCoin.so


    • If CMake cannot locate your Inventor installation, set this to the full path to the Inventor SoWin binding library, e.g. C:\Program Files\Coin\sowin.dll.


    • If CMake cannot locate your Inventor installation, set this to the directory containing the Inventor SoXt binding headers (e.g. if you have /foobar/Inventor/SoXt/SoXt.h, then set this to /foobar).


    • If CMake cannot locate your Inventor installation, set this to the full path to the Inventor SoXt binding library, e.g. /usr/lib/libSoXt.so.

2.3.3.  Selecting a Different Compiler and Changing Flags

CMake will, by default, select the first C and C++ compilers it finds in your path. Geant4's CMake scripts configure a default set of flags based on the compiler identity, as follows

  • GNU Compiler Collection
    • CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS : -W -Wall -pedantic -Wno-non-virtual-dtor -Wno-long-long -Wwrite-strings -Wpointer-arith -Woverloaded-virtual -Wno-variadic-macros -Wshadow -pipe
    • CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE : -O3 -DNDEBUG -fno-trapping-math -ftree-vectorize -fno-math-errno
  • Clang
    • CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS : -W -Wall -pedantic -Wno-non-virtual-dtor -Wno-long-long -Wwrite-strings -Wpointer-arith -Woverloaded-virtual -Wno-variadic-macros -Wshadow -pipe -Qunused-arguments
    • CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE : -O3 -DNDEBUG -fno-trapping-math -ftree-vectorize -fno-math-errno
  • Microsoft Visual C++
  • Intel C and C++ Compilers
    • CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS : -w1 -Wno-non-virtual-dtor -Wpointer-arith -Wwrite-strings -fp-model precise

For the GNU, Clang and Intel compilers, an additional flag selecting the C++ standard to compile against will be set. By default, this will use the c++11 standard. This can be changed if the compiler version supports it by setting the GEANT4_BUILD_CXXSTD to the required standard, as described in Section 2.3.2.

When Geant4 is built with support for multithreading (GEANT4_BUILD_MULTITHREADED set to ON), the following additional flags are added to all build types for the GNU, Clang and Intel compilers:

  • -DG4MULTITHREADED -ftls-model=initial-exec -pthread

Note that the model passed to the -ftls-model argument can be changed using the GEANT4_BUILD_TLS_MODEL option described in Section 2.3.2.

Please note that at the current time, multithreading support is not available on Windows platforms.

If you are using an unsupported or unrecognized (by Geant4) compiler, CMake will default to a standard and very simple set of flags for that compiler. We strongly recommend that you use the default compiler and flags, but both can be modified if your use case requires it. To specify the C and C++ compilers to be used, you can set the CC and CXX variables

  ... assuming clang/clang++ are in the PATH ...

  $ CC=clang CXX=clang++ cmake <otherargs>

  ... or ...

  $ export CC=clang
  $ export CXX=clang++
  $ cmake <otherargs>

You can also specify a full path should the compilers not be in the PATH. You can also specify the C and C++ compilers via the CMAKE_<LANG>_COMPILER options:

  $ cmake -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++ <otherargs>

Use of CMAKE_<LANG>_COMPILER will take precedence over any setting of CC or CXX in the environment or on the command line.

Whilst you can change the compiler after an initial configuration with CMake, it is not recommended as you may need to reset some variables by hand. If you do perform this step, it can only be done by rerunning CMake and passing the new compiler via the CMAKE_<LANG>_COMPILER argument(s), as the CC and CXX variables have no effect on subsequent runs of CMake in a given build directory. You may also need to remove the CMakeCache.txt file from the build directory before running CMake again. If you are building Geant4 using several compilers and/or versions, we strongly recommend creating one build directory per compiler system. Whilst this takes extra disk space, it provides a clean separation between different builds and also allows fast incremental builds against a single source directory.

Compiler flags can be interactively modified through the ccmake and CMake GUI interfaces. As compiler flags are an advanced option, you will need to activate viewing of advanced options. You may then edit the flags as you wish.

CMake is also aware of the CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS variables, so you may set these on the command line or as environment variables. However, note that this will only prepend extra flags to the default CMAKE_<LANG>_FLAGS.

If you need to completely change the compiler flags, then you can set CMAKE_<LANG>_FLAGS directly as a -D option to CMake. This will override all defaults set by Geant4's CMake scripts.

2.3.4.  Using an Initial Cache File for Build Options

As Geant4, and CMake in general, has many configurable options, remembering and typing out the CMake command line can be tedious and potentially error prone once you start to use a significant number of options. To ease this task and provide reproducible builds, you can write options as CMake set() commands into a so-called initial cache script. For example, to select Clang as the compiler and enable Qt support, we could write the following


into a file, say, mysettings.cmake. We could then pass this file to CMake to configure the Geant4 build with these settings:

  $ cmake -C /home/me/mysettings.cmake /path/to/geant4.10.03

Any settings in the supplied script will take priority over the defaults, so this can be a useful way to manage different builds in a reproducible way. Note that the set() commands must use the CACHE argument to ensure they are loaded into the CMake cache.